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Featured Publications

C. J. Papachristou,  B. K. Harrison,

Isogroups of differential ideals of vector-valued differential forms: Application to partial differential equations

Acta Appl. Math. 11 (1988) 155 

C. J. Papachristou,  B. K. Harrison,

Some aspects of the isogroup of the self-dual Yang-Mills system

J. Math. Phys. 28 (1987) 1261 

C. J. Papachristou,  B. K. Harrison,

Nonlocal symmetries and Bäcklund transformations for the self-dual Yang-Mills system

J. Math. Phys. 29 (1988) 238 

C. J. Papachristou,  B. K. Harrison,

Bäcklund transformations and local conservation laws for self-dual Yang-Mills fields with arbitrary gauge group

Phys. Lett. A 127 (1988) 167 

C. J. Papachristou,  B. K. Harrison,

Local currents for the GL(N,C) self-dual Yang-Mills equation

Lett. Math. Phys. 17 (1989) 285  

C. J. Papachristou,

Nonlocal currents for the self-dual Yang-Mills equation

Phys. Lett. A 138 (1989) 493 

C. J. Papachristou,

Potential symmetries for self-dual gauge fields

Phys. Lett. A 145 (1990) 250 

C. J. Papachristou,

Recursion operator and current algebras for the potential SL(N,C) self-dual Yang-Mills equation

Phys. Lett. A 154 (1991) 29 

C. J. Papachristou,

Lax pair, hidden symmetries, and infinite sequences of conserved currents for self-dual Yang-Mills fields

J. Phys. A 24 (1991) L 1051 

C. J. Papachristou,  B. K. Harrison,

Lax pair, conserved currents, and hidden symmetry transformation for the Ernst equation

Phys. Lett. A 190 (1994) 407 

E. G. Larson,  C. J. Papachristou,

Hilbert spaces with non-orthonormal bases: Geometry and Quantum Mechanics

J. Utah Acad. Sci. 62 (1985) 78 

C. J. Papachristou,

Symmetry and integrability of classical field equations

Nausivios Chora, Vol. 2 (2008) 341

C. J. Papachristou,  B. K. Harrison,

A method for constructing a Lax pair for the Ernst equation

Electron. J. Theor. Phys. 6, No. 22 (2009) 29 ; see also here

C. J. Papachristou,

Symmetry, conserved charges, and Lax representations of nonlinear field equations: A unified approach

Electron. J. Theor. Phys. 7, No. 23 (2010) 1 ; see also here

C. J. Papachristou,  B. K. Harrison,

Bäcklund-transformation-related recursion operators: Application to the self-dual Yang-Mills equation

J. Nonlin. Math. Phys., Vol. 17, No. 1 (2010) 35

C. J. Papachristou,

Symmetry and integrability of a reduced, 3-dimensional self-dual gauge field model

Electron. J. Theor. Phys. 9, No. 26 (2012) 119 ; see also here

C. J. Papachristou,

Foundations of Newtonian dynamics: An axiomatic approach for the thinking student

Nausivios Chora, Vol. 4 (2012) 153

New version:

C. J. Papachristou,  A. N. Magoulas,

Electromotive force: A guide for the perplexed

Nausivios Chora, Vol. 5 (2014) C-3

C. J. Papachristou,  A. N. Magoulas,

Does the electromotive force (always) represent work?

Advanced Electromagnetics, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2015) 10-15

C. J. Papachristou,

The Maxwell equations as a Bäcklund transformation

Advanced Electromagnetics, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2015) 52-58

C. J. Papachristou,  A. N. Magoulas,

Bäcklund transformations: Some old and new perspectives

Nausivios Chora, Vol. 6 (2016) C-3

C. J. Papachristou,  A. N. Magoulas,

Some aspects of the electromotive force

META Publishing, No. 56 (2017)

C. J. Papachristou,

Some remarks on the charging capacitor problem

Advanced Electromagnetics, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2018) 10-12

New results: ; also here

C. J. Papachristou,  A. N. Magoulas,

On solving Maxwell’s equations for a charging capacitor

Nausivios Chora, Vol. 7 (2018) C-3

C. J. Papachristou,

Infinitesimal symmetry transformations of matrix-valued differential equations: An algebraic approach

Nausivios Chora, Vol. 7 (2018) C-31

C. J. Papachristou,

Work of a time-dependent force

META Publishing, No. 63 (2019)

C. J. Papachristou,

On non-monochromatic plane-wave solutions of Maxwell's equations

META Publishing, No. 70 (2020) ; also here

C. J. Papachristou,  A. N. Magoulas,

Independence of Maxwell's equations: A Bäcklund-transformation view

Nausivios Chora, Vol. 8 (2022) C-3

C. J. Papachristou,

Approximate solutions of Maxwell’s equations for a charging capacitor

Nausivios Chora, Vol. 8 (2022) C-47

Popular Science 

C. J. Papachristou,

The hidden symmetry and Mr. Higgs!

Electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves and the prophets who predicted them

But, how can the atom be so stable, Dr. Maxwell? ; also here

Debunking the myth of a "flat Earth" (An elementary introduction to non-Euclidean geometry) 

Educational Notes

C. J. Papachristou,

One-dimensional Newtonian systems 

Amplitude dependence of period in one-dimensional periodic motion 

A note on the principle of superposition in electrodynamics 

On active and passive transformations 

Revisiting Archimedes' principle: Buoyancy and external pressure'_principle_Buoyancy_and_external_pressure 

The many faces of the exponential function 


C. J. Papachristou,

A conceptual approach to racism

Hitler and Stalin on the moral balance of History