Our Story

We are a group of virtual OCSB grade three students from Assumption, Corpus Christi and St. Brigid Elementary Schools. Our teacher Ms. Samara Somers registered us in the Ottawa Catholic School Board's Social Entrepreneurship Program . The goal of this program is to provide students with a meaningful and authentic opportunity to deepen their learning and to make a positive difference in the world. Our business coach is Ms. Betty Weil and she facilitates our business meetings and helps to guide our learning. We are also supported by Miss Molly Perkins who is a business student at the University of Ottawa. She supports us with media and graphic design. We work together to connect, collaborate and create!

We meet with our business coach twice per week to learn about social entrepreneurship and gain skills that will prepare us for the future. We focus on developing the global competencies; citizenship, character, communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.

We are developing skills to last a lifetime.

Promotional Video

Check out this video to learn about our business and how we are making connections to our world.

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