Message From Head of Department

Dear All,

The Department of Civil Engineering is a vital offshoot of Civil Engineering Program at L .D .College of Engineering. Civil Engineering department has a proficient, distinguished and technically well-versed faculty imbued with a sense of commitment and sincerity. As the HOD of the department it is a matter of immense pride to bring to you the multifaceted activities and achievements of the department.

We are a department of 20 faculty members, 10 of these holding Doctorates, 8 of these are pursuing Doctorate of Philosophy and the rest have a Master’s Degree. The strength of the courses offered by this department lies in a strong technical and field experience of the faculty who are involved in research  and above their regular teaching wherein they actively involve the students through quizzes, models and field exercises to make learning an enriching experience.

Faculty members are also involved in conducting training for working professionals in various government departments to keep them updated on recent and future trends.

The department boasts of 2 Post graduate courses in Water Resource Management and Transportation Engineering.

The students here are encouraged to engage extra-curricular and co-curricular activities which are essential for personality development, nurturing of team spirit and development of organizational skills. 

Dr. R. K Jain