Welcome to the Atlanta Planning Advisory Board!
We’re so grateful to have you here. The Atlanta Planning Advisory Board (APAB) represents all 25 Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs) and serves to advise the City on city-wide issues, goals, and objectives relative to the preparation and updating of the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). APAB also advises the City on matters relating to citizen organizations and participation in the planning process.
As the citizen’s voice for citywide issues, we want you to be as knowledgeable of the city, its departments, and its processes to best inform your communities and neighbors. We hope that this welcome information is helpful to you, your NPU, and the City of Atlanta as you serve with us.
On this website you will find the following information:
APAB as defined in City Legislation
Member Contact Information
Current Bylaws and Addendums
Executive Board members and Committee Chairs
Organizational Chart to demonstrate shared power
Resolution Process Chart - Understanding the process of APAB
Calendar of Meeting Dates
Relationship of APAB, DCP, & the Office of Municipal Clerk
Responsibilities of APAB members to their NPU
Common Acronyms
Robert's Rules Cheat Sheet I Need to Know This
We hope that this information will be helpful as you navigate the city, this board, and the decisions you will help to make in guiding our city leaders. This packet can be referred to throughout your service and, where it is silent, we hope you will ask questions of your Parliamentarian, Committee Chairs, Executive Committee, and President.
We look forward to learning from you as well and hope this gives you a foundation from which to share your experiences, community knowledge, and talents. Thank you again for your willingness to serve the City of Atlanta. We appreciate your service to our shared community.
Executive Committee
Atlanta Planning Advisory Board