In New York City, during a sance held in the apartment of medium Theresa, Mary Woodhouse experiences a traumatic vision of a priest, Father Thomas, hanging himself in a cemetery of a village called Dunwich. Mary breaks the circle and collapses to the floor when the images overwhelm her. The group presumes Mary is dead and calls the police, who suspect foul play. Theresa warns the police chief of an imminent evil. Journalist Peter Bell begins to investigate Mary's mysterious death and visits her grave as she is about to be buried. However, she is still alive, and Peter saves her after hearing her cries. Peter and Mary visit Theresa, who warns them that according to the ancient book of Enoch, the events Mary witnessed in her visions presage the eruption of the living dead into our world. The death of Father Thomas has opened the gates of Hell through which the invasion will commence on All Saints Day, just a few days away.

The following morning, Peter and Mary arrive at the graveyard that Mary saw in her vision. They begin searching for Father Thomas' tomb and meet Gerry and Sandra. They go back to Gerry's office to discuss Father Thomas' death when suddenly the four are showered with maggots in an apparent supernatural attack. Gerry then receives a distressing phone call from John-John Robbins explaining his dead sister has returned and killed his parents. They rush over the Robbins' house and try to find the sheriff. While trying to get John-John to safety, Sandra is killed by Emily, who rips Sandra's scalp off. John-John runs through the town's streets and is saved by Gerry, who hands the boy over to the police.

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Mr. Ross is drinking at a bar when it is suddenly attacked by the re-animated dead people of the town, led by Bob. Ross and two other men are killed, as a state-of-emergency is declared over the radio. Mary, Peter, and Gerry arrive back at the graveyard as the clock strikes midnight and All Saints Day begins. They descend into Father Thomas' family tomb, discovering a cave of skeletal remains and cobwebbed putrescences. Sandra suddenly appears as a zombie and kills Peter before being killed by Gerry, who impales her with a metal spike. Mary and Gerry continue until they face Father Thomas, commanding an army of the undead. Before he can kill Mary, Gerry grabs a wooden cross and disembowels Father Thomas. The priest and the other revived corpses burst into flames and disappear. Mary and Gerry exit from Father Thomas' tomb into the graveyard in the morning to see John-John and the police. Mary is relieved to see John-John survived the ordeal but becomes frightened and screams as everything fades to black.

The Beyond and The House By The cemetery while decent just IMO aren't up to par with City and Zombie. Catriona Macoll IMO looks best in city of the lviing dead and man that scene right after they run into GERRY and talk to him is brutal as hell. I really felt bad for the actors having to endure that.

A psychic participates in a sance where she sees a vision of a Dunwich priest hanging himself in a church cemetery, causing her to die of fright. New York City reporter Peter Bell investigates the sance and learns that the priest's suicide has somehow opened a portal to Hell and must be sealed by All Saints Day, or else the dead will overtake humanity.

Psychedelic like a migraine is psychedelic, queasy and unstable, 'City of the Living Dead' opens the Gates of Hell Under the Sign of The Hanged Priest and remains so all the way until it stops. This is a movie steeped in cosmic decay, where everything is porous, torn, bleeding out, vomited up from the deepest bowels until nothing is left but tears. Like when earthen vapours were thought to transmit disease, an ill wind coruscates Dunwich. The living dig their way upward out of trances. The dead dig their way downward to Hell, tunneling in the dirt, their movement slowed to a stop. Pray to get out alive.

Great post - I've been soaking up the Italian horror films a lot myself lately. 

"the way characters in Italian horror films seem to simply stare at the oncoming threat until it attacks them"

There's something to this, particularly w. Fulci. For me, the difference between the way Argento tackles the violence and the way Fulci captures it is this: Argento gives us savagery - it's quick, it's fast, and it's really often quite shocking. But Fulci wants to really stretch out our anticipation, build to the inevitable moment when the character is impaled/penetrated/etc. So we get these shots that linger, with steady, dead camera placement - and cuts between the victim and the encroaching doom (the drill/eye bit in City is almost comical in how long it gets stretched out - like he was trying to one-up his splinter/eye scene in Zombi 2).

It's the difference between shock and dread. Fulci specializes in evoking that helpless dread. At least, that's how I see it.

Also, there's something so...dirty about the Italian horror films. It's this feeling of gritty sleaziness that just oozes from every frame. I get some of that feeling from the Spaghetti Westerns too. It's all big pores and stern voices.

"It did make me nostalgic for the good ol' zombie days, though- where the gates of Hell opening and unleashing walking corpses upon the Earth is kind of a big fucking deal; in this day of virus-riddled notzombies and no one ever rising out of the ground anymore, the undead have lost their otherness. Their otherness and their GD scariness."

Bravo, Stacie. Bravo.

If you stare at a zombie priest, and you vomit up all of your internal organs, what happens when you stare at a ZOMBIE NUN?? Or, God forbid, an undead pope? An Archdiocese risen from the dead? I guess my question is, how do you one up vomiting up all of your insides? Maybe your skin melts off, and then your nerve endings catch fire. Either way, its still a pretty bad ass superpower.

A medium has a mysterious vision of a priest hanging himself... A seemingly dead woman awakes screaming in her coffin... And in the sleepy New England town of Dunwich, a girl vomits up her intestines and a local misfit has a drill bit ploughed into his cranium... These hallucinogenic, often grotesque visions punctuate a skeletal story telling of a reporter (Christopher George, The Exterminator, Pieces) and a psychic (Catriona MacColl, The House by the Cemetary, The Beyond) who must race agaisnt time to prevent hordes of rotting corpses spewing forth from the gates of hell...

Set in an alternate reality, a rural Georgia cop wakes up in the hospital in Atlanta only to discover that the world he knows has ended. He soon faces his first "walkers," or the dead reanimated, and goes in search of his wife and son. His gang of survivors face not only the undead, but also the living groups of other humans out to take them down. "The Walking Dead" is the most-watched television series in basic cable history, based on the graphic novels by the same name, and has filmed exclusively in Georgia. It put locations in Atlanta, nearby Senoia and beyond on the map for fans of the show.

In the town of Dunwich, New England, a priest commits suicide, thus opening one of the gates of hell. This causes the dead to rise and the priest's apparition to appear and haunt people around the town. The priest's suicide is detected at a seance by Mary Woodhouse (Catriona Maccoll). The gate of hell must be closed before All Saints Day, otherwise the dead around the world shall rise. Mary teams up with reporter Peter Bell (Christopher George) to go the town, investigate, and close the gate.

Mary has been rescued from her premature burial by a reporter named Peter, and they combine forces with a psychiatrist and his patient to somehow close the Gates of Hell and stop the undead uprising before it destroys mankind.

No longer were zombies lumbering hordes created by science or ancient curses. Instead, City of the Living Dead unleashed the undead straight from the bowels of Hell. Still hungering for human flesh, these zombies did not stumble around dumbfounded but utilized levitation, teleportation and super strength in their quest to brutally eviscerate all of mankind.

Investigating reporter Peter Bell (Christopher George) along with psychic Mary Woodhouse (Catriona MacColl) travel to Dunwich, New England, and from the Book of Enoch learn that they must close the portal to Hell before All Saints Day, or the spirits of the dead will overtake the earth.

The stage is set in the mysterious New England town of Dunwich. A local priest named Father Thomas (Fabrizio Jovine) commits suicide in a cemetery on a foggy evening, which opens the gates of hell. At the same time, a failed sance in New York City leads Mary Woodhouse (Catriona MacColl) to become hopelessly tied up in the spook happenings in Dunwich. The objective: to find the tomb and body of Father Thomas and save the world. Along the way, the inhabitants of Dunwich are being killed off by the walking dead.

Watch in terror as the undead rise again in City of the Living Dead, presented here with a three-disc package (BD66 for UHD feature and two BD50 discs for feature and extras) that comes housed in a black Elite case with reversible art. For those who ordered the Limited Edition direct from Cauldron Films, the package also comes with a double-sided fold-out poster, a sticker sheet, and a separate cardboard sleeve for the Fabio Frizzi soundtrack on CD. All discs boot up to standard menu screens with options to play the Italian or English versions, explore special features, set up audio and video, or browse chapters. The cardboard sleeve carrying the CD comes with some fun art and embossing as well. e24fc04721

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