
Anstey leicester

Anstey dates back to Angle origins, when it was known as Hanstige (later Anstige), meaning a narrow forest track (specifically the meaning is either 'one-way' or 'steep road' ). Anstey was positioned between Charnwood Forest and Leicester Forest.

Whilst developing the site for the new Co-op store in 2002 archaeologists were called in and found remains dating back to the 12th century. A plaque recording this has been placed on the wall of the new shop.

The place-name of Anstey is first recorded in Domesday Book when it was held by one of the county's largest landholders, Hugh de Grandmesnil, castellan of Leicester. At the time it was a small farming community.

Anstey appears to have had its origins in two distinct settlement foci, each associated with a separate manor, one associated with Leicester Abbey and one with the Ferrers of Groby.

It is believed that Anstey once had a sizable military force - in 1431 William Porter "furnished XIX hommes and IX archers".

Anstey - BBC Weather
14-day weather forecast for
Anstey. Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday. High pressure will build in on Sunday, leaving it dry and settled with some area of cloud at first.

Anstey Parish Council
Anstey Parish Council strives to make Anstey a better place to live, work and play. Our website includes a wealth of information about how we conduct business and what we do. Use the search or browse the site to find whatever you are looking for. If you can't find the information you require then please contact us for help.

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