
Citizen Science Development Forum

國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 2020/8/28

議程 Agenda 資料集 Programme 公民科學團體 Citizen Science Group

國立臺灣大學於 2020 年 8 月 28 日(星期五)8 點-17 點舉辦「公民科學發展」論壇,本論壇由科技部沙克爾頓計畫支持,探討台灣公民科學的發展,邀請國內專家學者發表演講。


為了探討台灣公民科學的發展,我們自組三場學術論壇 【公民科學最新發展】、【公民科學與多元物種】、【公民參與環境與生態保護】,來深入的探討數據的準確性,並因應未來新的技術,如人工智慧、數據的整合與所面臨新的挑戰。


地點:國立臺灣大學社會科學院梁國樹會議中心(台北市大安區羅斯福路四段 1 號)

日期時間:2020.08.28 8:00-17:00


National Taiwan University held the Citizen Science Development Forum on August 28, 2020 (Friday). This forum is supported by the Shackleton Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology to facilitate the development of citizen science in Taiwan. Domestic and foreign experts, scholars and NGOs are invited to give speeches. We invite you to view all presentation materials online (here).

The development of citizen science has shown rapid growth and has played an important role in the development of science all over the world. In Taiwan, academia and the government have been committed to strengthening cooperation with citizens. In response to the growth of citizen science, Taiwan's education institutions, scientific organizations, and government departments have gradually regarded citizen science as an important field. More and more universities provide citizen science programs and train people interested in this field including students and the public, of which they can acquire relevant knowledge and ability.

In order to further the development of citizen science in Taiwan, we hope to organize three academic forums concerns to discuss the data accuracy in depth; respond to new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and data integration. as well as the new challenges we are facing.

The knowledge accumulated during this forum will be submitted to international and domestic special issues, providing reference data and analysis results that encourages more scholar to explore citizen science, practitioners to set up citizen science groups, and further the application of citizen science. Altogether, we sincerely hope this forum bring together systematic and technological integration regarding trend analysis and academic achievements on citizen science.

Location: Liang Kuo-Shu International Conference Hall, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University

Date/time: 2020.08.28 8:00-17:00

Presentation materials please see "Information"