Call  for  ProposalS


The contest is open to all undergraduate or graduate students at accredited colleges or universities worldwide.

A team may consist of up to 6 eligible students and up to 2 mentors due to the cooperations of CI and medical domains. 

*Commercial products are not allowed to be entered in the contest.

Required Documents

Description of the proposal

Title of the System:
Contact Person and Email:
Team member(s):
I. Motivation
II. System Function Descriptions
III. CI/AI Techniques Applied on the Systems
IV. System Users and Environments
V. System Operation Scenario
VI. Conclusions


Entries will be judged by a judge committee consisting of representatives from the industry and education sectors by considering the following criteria:

Please note that 

It is not necessary to complete your system in the preliminary contest.

Prize Per Team

In the final contest,

1st Place Award: $1,500 USD + Certificate  

2nd Place Award: $1,000 USD + Certificate

3rd Place Award: $600 USD + Certificate 

Honorable Mention : Certificate  

* All cash price awards are before tax


Teams need to ensure the usage including the images, contents, videos but not limited is legal. 

Teams allow the organizers to reproduce the related contents for promotion.