MCT4C Unit 2

Lesson 7

Like Terms, Polynomials, and How to Add!

Multiplying a Monomial by a Polynomial

Multiplying a Binomial with another Binomial using FOIL

Factoring Trinomials where a=1

Lesson 8

How do you Solve a Quadratic Equation?

Lesson 9

Basic Shapes of Polynomials Using Desmos to Demonstrate!

How to Put a Polynomial in Descending Order and State Its' Degree

How to Use Factored Form of a Polynomial to Quickly Sketch It

How to Come Up with an Equation Given the Graph of a Quadratic or Cubic Function

Lesson 10

A Quick Explanation of Functions and Function Notation

How to Tell if you are Looking at a Function using the Vertical Line Test

How to Write Down the End Behaviour of a Polynomial Function

Lesson 11

Using Technology to Solve Applications of Polynomial Functions

Lesson 12

Using Technology to Graph a Polynomial and find the Maximum Revenue

Using Technology to Graph a Polynomial and find the Maximum Area