This is my 1st 7.x install of FMC. I've installed a few older versions in the past where it used an agent installed on a server to send AD info to the FMC so on the Dashboard and Event status would show AD user information. So by default, it just shows 'No Authentication Required"

You don't really have control over that. It depends on whether Windows causes a login event to happen for the FP agent to detect. The chances are it will not as users remain logged into Windows during the wired to wireless roaming process.

Cisco Firepower User Agent Download

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You must install a User Agent, either on a Domain Controller, or just some system that is a part of the domain, with the sole purpose of gathering user data (login, logoff, etc). Since policies are performed based on IP addresses, this collected data will be used to track users in the network by gathering the IP from their login/logoff records. No agents need to be installed on workstations or Domain Controllers. You can essentially setup one or more dedicated virtual machines with the single purpose of running this user agent application.

Follow this guide to grant the necessary AD permissions for the account to be used for the User Agent. Note, you can use the same service account used for the LDAP bind, or you can create another altogether for the user agent. I created another dedicated account. Do not skip a step!

The TS Agent improves this situation. The agent assigns a unique port range to each user and reports the range to user mapping to FMC. This way, FMC can associate traffic flows to each user.

1 Tech Zone Tech Zone Knowledge Base Security Knowledge Base Sourcefire Platform and Snort Knowledge Base Access Control / Firewall Configure Active Directory Integration with FirePOWER Appliance for Single Sign On & Captive portal Authentication. by sunilk6 on :44 AM edited on :28 AM Table of Contents Introduction Prerequisites Requirements Components Used Configuration Setps 1. Configure the FirePOWER User Agent for Single Sign On 2. Integration of FirePOWER Management Center (FMC) with User Agent 3. FirePOWER integration with Active Directory 4. Configure the Identity Policy 4.1 Captive portal (Active Authentication) 4.2 Single Sign On (Passive Authentication) 5. Configure the Access Control Policy 6. Deploy the Access Control Policy 7. Monitor user events & Connections events Introduction Captive Portal Authentication (Active Authentication) will prompt a login page and will ask for user credentials before a user can get the internet access. Sign sign On (Passive Authentication) is seamless authentication to get internet. The Sign sign on authentication can be achieve either by FirePOWER user agent or NTLM browser authentication. Prerequisites Requirements Cisco recommends that you have knowledge on Sourcefire FirePOWER devices, virtual device models, Light Weight Directory Service (LDAP), FirePOWER UserAgent. For Captive Portal Authentication, Appliance should be in routed mode. Components Used FirePOWER Management Center (FMC) version and above FirePOWER sensor version and above Configuration Setps 1. Configure the FirePOWER User Agent for Single Sign On Please follow the Below article to configure FirePOWER User Agent in a Windows machine management center/ technote sourc Integration of FirePOWER Management Center (FMC) with User Agent Login to FirePOWER Management Center, go to System > Integration > Identity Sources > click on New Agent option. Configure the IP address of User Agent system & click Add button & click on Save button to save the 1/10

These two pcaps show the most common targets we've seen of the path traversal vulnerability and the most common approaches to user agents for the activity. The majority of the activity is using cURL as the user agent, but we have seen other activity that is focused on using various common user agents, including the one shown above.

The data that makes up the application identifier is called the User Agent String. The user agent is a field in the HTTP request header. The request header is sent in the initial GET request and the User Agent field is often used to determine the capabilities or limitations of the application.

The User-Agent request-header field contains information about the user agent originating the request. This is for statistical purposes, the tracing of protocol violations, and automated recognition of user agents for the sake of tailoring responses to avoid particular user agent limitations. User agents SHOULD include this field with requests. The field can contain multiple product tokens (section 3.8) and comments identifying the agent and any subproducts which form a significant part of the user agent. By convention, the product tokens are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application.

Looking at these you can see that a common field value is MSIE. We can reasonably assume that all user agents containing this value represent a version of Internet Explorer. Similar common values exist for other browsers such as Firefox and Chrome.

In addition to identifying the browser or application being used, the user agent strings sent by popular browsers usually include information about the host operating system. This is particularly useful when using a website traffic analysis tool such as Google Analytics as it can help target users more accurately.

All Internet applications should identify themselves with a unique user agent string. We can therefore use this to determine if certain applications are drawing large amounts of traffic unbeknownst to users. An easy example of this is Adobe updater.

The user agent string can also be useful for blocking applications that communicate over HTTP on port 80 using Forefront TMG's HTTP Filter. For a good example, see Richard Hicks' post, Block Instant Messaging Traffic using Forefront TMG's HTTP Filter

Certain sites use the user agent string to respond with or render a particular version of the site. I am going to use a local site in the example. Using a Firefox plugin called TamperData we can intercept and edit the initial GET request and replace Firefox's user agent string with that of a mobile platform.

Securing VoIP infrastructure is a large part of what OpenSIPS and Kamaillio are designed to do -- they do this by proxying incoming SIP requests, normalizing them, droping malformed requests (and those from user-agents that have no business talking to your network), and proxying authentication (REGISTERs).

Create an access policy.This command enables you to create the access policy object. To define more settings you can use the dependencies commands:cisco-wsa-access-policy-protocols-user-agents-update (Update the Protocols and User Agents policy for access policy).cisco-wsa-access-policy-url-filtering-update (Update the URL filtering policy for access policy).cisco-wsa-access-policy-applications-update (Update the applications policy for access policy. Only applicable for global_policy).cisco-wsa-access-policy-objects-update (Update the objects policy for access policy).cisco-wsa-access-policy-anti-malware-update (Update the anti-malware policy for access policy). 17dc91bb1f

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