
Storyboard Draft

Our storyboard can be viewed below, or by clicking here.

Target Learner

In-service Wake County Public School middle school teachers with 5+ years of teaching experience and have received restorative circle training who are actively implementing circles within their classrooms.

Learning Goals

  • Teachers can determine trends using student data following the implementation of circles.

  • Teachers can evaluate data points and trends in student data to determine if circles are being used successfully

  • Teachers can identify students who need further interventions provided trends in student data

Main Design Features

  • Color-coded display of student data for attendance, administrative referrals, and academics to show if a student's data is trending positively, negatively, or remaining neutral

  • Ability to schedule circles that will appear on participating student's data so trends can be compared to the implementation of the circle

  • Ability to share a student's data with other support specialists in the school if more interventions are deemed necessary for a student

The original idea of the app Circle Keeper was to find out if Restorative Justice Circles were adequate as a tool to solve social issues at school. We name our main character in the storyboard Ivan. He is a middle school math teacher with five years of teaching experience. The design team set out to discover if it could provide Restorative Circle information to teachers and administrators to track students' behavioral and academic changes and ultimately be able to determine if circles were being implemented successfully.

The prototype continues with Ivan in scenarios where he is working through the steps of the Circle Keeper Application and selecting students to compare data from a previously conducted Restorative Justice Circle. Ivan can see data on student progress in academics, administrative referrals, and attendance. Ivan can view graphs where the student's data is either trending upwards, trending downward, remaining neutral in comparison to when the circle was conducted.

The Circle Keeper Application will allow Ivan to track students' progress and share this information with teachers or administrators. The entire staff can analyze data during team meetings. The Circle Keeper App tracks data from previous Circle meetings and can track student trends over time.

Ivan can continue to conduct circle meetings using his new data. He knows what to target, in this example, attendance. He can check his Circle Keeper data later to keep up with the latest student data trends by the week, month, or longer.