Welcome to the CIRCLE Grant Website!

Interested in Applying for Cohort 2024-2025?

Applications are due on April 13th, 2024 at 11:59 PM! 

Welcome to the CIRCLE GRANT Website! We are excited to offer students a unique and exciting opportunity to engage in meaningful research projects over the summer. Our program is open to all high school students, undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-graduate/non-traditional students. 

Our mission is to inspire and empower the next generation of researchers in the state of Hawai'i! Through CIRCLE, we can help students develop the critical thinking skills and creativity necessary for a researcher/scientist. Our summer research program strives to create an inclusive and supportive environment where students can explore their passions and develop their research skills under the guidance of experienced principal investigators. We believe that this program not only teaches students about research but also helps them build self-confidence, resilience, and a lifelong love of learning. This is a DISTANCE RESEARCH opportunity, where students will meet with their team of students and the principal investigator over virtual platforms such as Zoom and Slack.

We're proud to be associated with the Area Health Education Center at the John. A Burns School of Medicine on Oahu, and as a 5-year SEPA (Science Education Partnership Award) recipient, we're committed to connecting high school and college/grad students remotely (via Zoom, Slack, and Email) with researchers and mentors to teach them essential research skills and offer mentorship for careers in science and healthcare fields.

If you are a high school student, undergraduate student, graduate student, or post-graduate/non-traditional student interested in applying, applications are currently open for our 2024 Cohort, and the deadline to Apply is April 13th 2024

Apply now!