Cirby Ranch
Neighborhood Association
Welcome to the Official Website for Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Association
Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Association (CRNA) is a prestigious planned community located in Roseville, CA and a member of the Roseville Coalition Of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA).
2024 Cirby Ranch
Neighborhood Association Board
Executive Board
Michael Taylor, President
Haley Johnson, Vice President
Bob Velcheck, Secretary
David Douglas, Treasurer
Board Members at Large
Michael Spiro, Dan Simms, Barbara Terry, Lourdes Inga, Dianna Koering (CRNA Facebook Admin.) & Brooke Roesser (CRNA Facebook Admin.)
Contact us:
Or join us in our Facebook Group:
Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Association
Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Association Website: Go to...
Cirby Ranch Newsletter - Winter 2024
What is happening in Cirby Ranch?
Hello Cirby Ranch Neighbors,
On December 11th, 2024 we voted in the new 2025 Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Association (CRNA) Board Members. Please join me in congratulating the returning members and welcome our two newest members, Justin Lindley (Secretary) and Adam Barsanti (Member-at-Large). This should be a great year for CRNA events!
Welcome to the CRNA Website: Cirby Ranch has a new website and Newsletter. The newsletter will be updated quarterly to share upcoming Cirby Ranch Neighborhood events and news.
Future CRNA Board Meetings: November 13th & December TBD, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM (Zoom). The December meeting will also be our annual CRNA Board Member vote. If you are interested in joining the board please submit your name, address and email to .
Neighborhood Night Out (NNO): September 13th 2024, 5:00pm to 8:00pm; Location: Springdale Way between Blossom Hill Way and Greenborough Drive. The Neighborhood Night Out event was well attended and everyone had a great time. Roseville Police Department attended our event showing the kids their motorcycles and canine partner.
Cirby Ranch Movie Night: October 25th, 7:00 to 9:00 PM located at Springdale Way. Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas!
Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Beautification: We all want our neighborhood to look great! We will keep you updated on common area clean-up events.
Santa Neighborhood Visit: December 18th 2024; In partnership with the City of Roseville and RCONA, Cirby Ranch is planning the annual Santa visit to our neighborhood. Last years event was well attended with beverages, snacks and holiday excitement. If you are interested in getting involved in event planning let us know.
Upcoming City of Roseville Events:
Placer County Presidential Election Poll Worker Volunteers: October & November 2024; This is a fundraising opportunity to put money in the Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Association bank account and support Placer County Voting.
The City of Roseville Planning Department will have an open house meeting on November 19th to discuss the proposal from the developer for the 1995 Rocky Ridge Drive Apartments Project. The Roseville City's Engineering team will be at the meeting to present information and answer questions. Here's the meeting information if you are interested to learn more about this project: Tuesday, November 19th, 6:30 p.m. - Sargeant School Multi-Purpose room (left side of the front of the school on the Ridgecrest side.
Get involved and make a difference:
· Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Association (CRNA):
· Roseville Coalition Of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA):
Roseville Coalition Of Neighborhood Association (RCONA) Webpage:
RCONA & CRNA Newsletter Sponsor:
CRNA Cirby Ranch Neighborhood Map
RCONA Neighborhoods Map (coming)