IV Colóquio Internacional de Pesquisa em Filosofia e V Colóquio Nacional 
da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)


Public Notice “V National Colloquium and IV International Colloquium of Research in Philosophy from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)”  

A. Submission:

​1. The submission of works for communications should be carried out until August 31th, 2023, through the form available in this link, following, necessarily, all the instructions contained in this notice.

2. The subject of submissions is free, but only works that are within the event’s theme can be selected for publication in the form of a paper in Peri Magazine, from UFSC. Check the items E.2-3 for more details.

3.  (a) Abstracts can be submitted by: students regularly enrolled in stricto sensu Postgraduate Programs (Masters, Doctoral students), or in a Postdoctoral internship, and professors who are carrying out research in the area of Philosophy. Doctors and masters who have already graduated can also submit an abstract.

(b) It is necessary to have some curricular connection with the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy stricto sensu - being a master's student, master's degree holder, doctoral student, PhD holder, postdoctoral student, or postdoctoral researcher in Philosophy.

4. Only one submission per author will be accepted.

5. (a) Co-authored works will be accepted, without limit of co-authors. It will not be admitted the co-authorship and authorship of one person in several works, but only one. Both bidders must meet the criteria indicated in 3.(a).

(b) The author of the work must make the presentation. If there is any impediment, the author must contact us by email ( in advance to justify their absence and, if applicable, possible replacement by their co-author. The presentation certificate, however, will only be issued to the one who actually presents it.

(c) In case of publication in an abstract supplement, annals or publication in a book, the names of the author and co-author will be included

6. (a) The proposed text must contain necessarily: title, abstract (containing between 300 and 500 words), keywords (up until 3), main references (at least 3 and maximum 8). The text should be submitted necessarily in .pdf format. The body of the text must be in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing and justified alignment.

(b) Both the submitted abstract and the communication can be done in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, and English.

(c) The submission file must not contain any mention of the author and co-author, including that in the proprieties of the .pdf file. See in this link a tutorial on how to remove the authorship in the properties of .pdf file documents.

(d) In case the abstract does not meet the requirements (a), (b) and (c) listed above, it will be  disqualified by the Organizing Committee.

B. On evaluation and acceptance:

1. The abstracts that satisfy the above requirements will be evaluated under the blind peer review system by the Scientific Committee of the Colloquium. The following criteria will be used:

(a) relevance to the chosen area;

(b) domain, pertinence, and update on the bibliography;

(c) theoretical and methodological adequacy;

(d) discursive clarity, conciseness and argumentative capacity.

2. The number of abstracts accepted for communication will be limited depending on the number of spaces available for the event. If the number of abstracts received exceeds the number of vacancies, there will be chosen the abstracts with the best evaluation according to the Scientific Committee, in relation to the criteria.

3. Acceptance/rejection letters referring to abstracts submitted for communication will be sent until September 30th to the e-mail address provided by the applicant in the abstract submission form.

C. Communication: 

1. The National and International Philosophy Research Colloquium will be held in person.

2. Each communicator will have up to 25 (twenty five) minutes to present their work and up to 10 (ten) minutes for debate.

3. If the communicator needs a screen projection resource for presentation (slides), he/she must send the file, in PDF format, to the event email (, four days prior to the presentation, so that it can be configured by our technical team. Failure to send it within the deadline will result in the inability to project the file.

4. The Organizing Committee will contact those who had their abstracts approved to explain the details of where and how the communication dynamics will work.

5. In person communications will also occur between the 13th and 17th of November, at UFSC, Trindade campus.

D. Certification:

1. The delivery of the certificate of presentation of the work will be subject to the effective presentation of the communication made by the author himself/herself and, in justified cases, by the co-author.

2. Those who complete at least 70% of the event's workload in person or online will receive a certificate of participation.

3. Certificates will be sent after the event, as requested by the Organizing Committee, following the priority list: lecturers, roundtable participants, members of the Scientific Committee, members of the Organizing Committee, mediators, communicators and audience.

E. Other topics:

1. In order to facilitate the organization of the event, after the work has been approved, given the impossibility of presentation by the communicator, he/she must communicate his/her absence to the Organizing Committee in advance.

2. At the end of the event, the Organizing Committee will contact, by email, those registered that submitted abstracts within the event’s theme to verify their interest in publishing, in digital format with ISBN, the work in paper format by Peri Magazine, from UFSC. The publication of works in the form of paper is bound to a new evaluative process according to established criteria from the Magazine. The conditions and date will be informed via email. The publication of abstracts is subject to approval by the reviewers.

3. The abstract approval and execution of the communication does not guarantee automatically any future publication. The Peri Magazine staff and Colloquium’s Organizing Committee will be in charge of the works selection after the event’s completion, with date yet to be defined and communicated by e-mail for communicators

4. The Organizing Committee will not accept submissions that do not follow all the above instructions and those on the submission form. The omitted or unforeseen cases will be analyzed and decided by the Organizing Committee.


O evento acontecerá no Auditório do CFH, na UFSC, Campus Trindade.

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina.