IV Colóquio Internacional de Pesquisa em Filosofia e V Colóquio Nacional 
da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)




The aim of the V National Colloquium and IV International Colloquium of Research in Philosophy of Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) is to promote the interaction between researchers of Philosophy in all regions of Brazil and of other countries. The Colloquium is organized by students of PPGFIL-UFSC, with support from the Coordination of the Program and from the teachers of the department.

With the title “From the End of the World to the Fabulation of Possible Worlds: What Philosophy has to say about Crises?”, the V National Colloquium and IV International Colloquium of Research in Philosophy from UFSC seeks to stimulate the debate, national and international, to think of possibilities and actualities of a world facing crises.

According to the philosopher Hannah Arendt, crises not only transfigure our judgments as they require the reconstruction of the social fabric that ties us. In a similar way, Denise Ferreira da Silva claims the necessity to find an “end to this world”, capitalist and racialized, that is in crisis. Willard van Orman Quine and Hillary Putnam pointed to the sores of positivist empiricism, seeking to overcome this world view through the dismantling of its principles. Michel Foucault, Jean-Pierre Lyotard and Bruno Latour had denounced the epistemic crisis of modernity, pointing towards a new conception of the subject and of science making. Countless thinkers leaned over several economic, political, ethical, epistemic, ontological and gender crises, both in the past as in the present.

That said, we can ask: what is a crisis after all? What would be its philosophical significance to think of both the ends and the beginnings of new worlds? Is there way to talk philosophically about crisis (or crises)? Like the world that we live in, is philosophy in crisis? Up to the scope of the Colloquium’s theme, we invite researchers to the submission and presentation of works that contemplate the incited yearnings by its topic.

The Colloquium proposes itself as a space to the presentation of research and investigations within the theme, but is also open for the submission of works concerning any topic. We invite the post-graduate community, masters, doctors, researchers and professors to discuss the Colloquium’s subject, its conceptual and practical relevance, the possibilities and actualities of a philosophy making that has the guiding thread of crisis in all areas of Philosophy.

We hope to meet everyone at our event that will take place in person at UFSC, in Florianópolis, from the 13th to the 17th of November 2023.


O evento acontecerá no Auditório do CFH, na UFSC, Campus Trindade.

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina.