CINIS is a Rogue-Lite First person shooter taking inspiration from the original QUAKE.


The universe is destroyed. All that is left is The Remains; shards of what is left of reality. Detached from time and space, lost to be forgotten in oblivion. You play as a Rifter, using rifts in time and space to travel from on shard of the remains to another, never knowing what horrors hide on the other side...



To survive, you'll need to be familiar with the wide and varied arsenal of weapons, found all throughout the remains.


Weapons not powerful enough? Channel the power of the ancient and forgotten gods, and use it to destroy your enemies, or gain immense protection against attacks.


Many enemies will try to stop you, and kill you in the process. All from the sturdy knight to the undying zombie. Who knows what else may show up some day? Page

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Socials and Development Previews

Want to follow the development of the game? Check out my Twitter for frequent small previews, and my YouTube for deeper insights into the development of CINIS!
