How to Rock Your First Boudoir Photography Session?

There can be many reasons why you may have decided to go for a boudoir photography session. Whether you are planning to gift your significant other something special or want to feel sexy in your own skin, there is nothing wrong getting a Saskatoon boudoir photoshoot done. Now that you have booked the sessions, are you feeling a little nervous? Well, we have got you covered. We have a simple list of tips for when you want to have an excellent boudoir photography session. Read on.

  1. Keep extra clothes. You don’t want unnecessary rips at inappropriate places, right, so keep an extra set of clothes with you.
  2. Try and test out the outfits beforehand. Make sure that everything fits and looks just the way you want it to.
  3. Wear loose and comfortable clothes. Whoever said that comfy cannot be sexy was very wrong. If you want to enjoy the boudoir photography session, you need to be in your comfort zone.
  4. Book the session at an apt time. It shouldn’t be when you are menstruating and having cramps. You don’t want to be sick or tired and irritated when you are shooting.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids. Just like any other photoshoot, if you want to look good, drink lots and lots of water.
  6. Choose clothes that suit your body. Don’t go for laces only because they look sexy. Choose the fabric and styles that suit you.
  7. Don’t fake tan. If you can get a real tan, go ahead. But if not, don’t go for lotions and spray tans, because they may look unreal in pictures which you will have to get retouched.

Now, that you know what things to keep in mind when going for boudoir photography, you should get in touch with Cindy Moleski. Why her? Well, if you want to have great photographs and an experience that you will remember forever, you should get in touch with her as she has both the skill and the experience needed to offer just that.

She has been in this business for quite some time and knows how to click perfect pictures that will become memories of a lifetime for you. Also, you can get in touch with her for portraits, wedding photography, pregnancy shoots, and even kids, and pets photography.

About Cindy Moleski:

Cindy Moleski is a renowned and reliable photographer who can be trusted on for the best boudoir photography Saskatoon as well as other kinds of photoshoots.

To know more, visit

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