
We are proud to serve within our health systems that serve a diverse patient population. It is because of this diversity that we find it so important our residents reflect this diversity. We do, however, recognize the additional importance of inclusion and it is for this reason the Minority Health Staff Association was created. We are a group of residents who have come together to advance the efforts of the Diversity and Inclusion office at the resident level to support one another across specialties, create community through various events that take place during the year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to either one of us if we can help you.

All our best,

MHA E-board

Mission & Goals

Mission statement:

The Minority Housestaff Association seeks to create opportunities for the advancement of under-represented housestaff through mentorship, networking, professional development, and community engagement while promoting an environment of diversity and inclusion across Cincinnati Health Systems.


The Minority Housestaff Association seeks to support all under-represented housestaff to ensure that they progress through residency as successfully as possible and set up for a thriving career in medicine with all the tools that are necessary to accomplish this.