
Course 1: "Teichmüller Space from a Geometric Viewpoint", Kenichi Ohshika (Gakushuin University, Japan)

Course 2: "Lipschitz Maps and Dynamics", Georgios Daskalopoulos (Brown University, USA)

Course 3: "Geometry and Topology of Surfaces", Athanase Papadopoulos (IRMA, Université de Strasbourg et CNRS, France)

Course 4: "Spectral Geometry", Murali Vemuri & Sheela Verma (IIT(BHU) Varanasi, INDIA)

Course 5: "Projective Structures on Surfaces and their monodromy representations", Subhojoy Gupta (Indian Institute of Science, India)

Course 6: "Complex Geometry of Surfaces", Sachiko Hamano (University of Osaka, JAPAN)

Course 7: "Rauzy-Veech Induction on Interval Exchange Maps and Applications to Teichmüller Spaces", Erwan Lanneau (Institut Fourier, Université de Grenoble, France)

Course 8: "Geometry of the Einstein Equation --a concise introduction-- ", Sumio Yamada (Gakushuin University, Japan)

Course 9: "Symplectic geometry & functions on Teichmüller space ", Arpan Kabiraj (IIT Palakkad, INDIA)

Special Lectures:

Special Lecture 1. Cannon-Thurston Maps for Surface Groups: A Survey - Shubhabrata Das (Presidency University, Kolkata, INDIA)

Special Lecture 2. Asymptotic Harmonicity and the generailzation of the Hopf Conjecture - Hemangi Shah (HRI, Prayagraj, INDIA)

Training and Interactive sessions: The coordinator of the training sessions will be Soumya Dey (Chennai Mathematical Institute, INDIA) in coordination with the corresponding course speakers and the coordinator of the Interactive sessions will be Gauree Shaker (Central University of Punjab, INDIA)