CIMO 2019

2nd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Massive Optimization (CIMO 2019)

July 11-12, 2019 — Lille, France

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This is the second edition of the CIMO workshop series. It will take place from July 11 to 12, 2019, on the campus of « Cité Scientifique » at the University of Lille, France. The CIMO workshop aims at bringing together researchers interested in developing integrated computational intelligence techniques into advanced (evolutionary) optimization paradigms for solving massive optimization problems. This thematic workshop targets an international audience, and was initiated within the France/Japan collaboration (MODŌ), by providing a structuring element to gather researchers with different and often multidisciplinary backgrounds. The program will consist of talks about late-breaking research reflecting the state-of-the-art of evolutionary computation for massive optimization, and will provide many opportunities to interact with other attendees in order to encourage international cooperation and to favor the education of young researchers.

Notice that CIMO 2019 is organized just before GECCO 2019, one of the main conference in evolutionary computation, that will be held in Prague (Czech Republic) at the same period (July 13-17). This makes it convenient for interested attendees to participate in both events. Prague can be reached from Paris or Brussels in about 2-3 hours by plane.

Topics of Interests

Optimization is ubiquitous to countless modern engineering and scientific applications. Today’s increasingly complex problems require to push the boundaries of existing optimization approaches, and to design innovative flexible general-purpose computational intelligence algorithms able to efficiently and effectively tackle them. Such massive optimization problems raise new important and difficult scientific challenges because of their dimensionality in terms of variables and objectives, their heterogeneity, and their expensive nature.

What?   Massive optimization problems

How?   Massive optimization algorithms


Session #1 — Landscape Analysis

Thursday, July 11, 10:45—12:15

Chair: Darrell Whitley — Colorado State University

Session #2 — Multi-objective Optimization

Thursday, July 11, 14:00—15:30

Chair: Katherine Malan — University of South Africa

Session #3 — Decomposition

Thursday, July 11, 16:00—17:30

Chair: Roberto Santana — University of the Basque Country

Session #4 — Problems and Models

Friday, July 12, 9:00—10:15

Chair: Bogdan Filipic — Jozef Stefan Institute

Session #5 — Design and Analysis

Friday, July 12, 10:45—12:15

Chair: Gabriela Ochoa — University of Stirling

Social activities


Registration is free, but mandatory; the number of participants being limited.

If you have any question, feel free to @ contact us

List of Participants


University of Lille, campus Cité Scientifique, France

The workshop will be held at the LILLIAD Learning Center Innovation

📌 Venue (LILLIAD) - Cité Scientifique - Avenue Henri Poincaré - 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq

📌 Cité Scientifique Campus map


The workshop venue is located at a 15-minute metro ride from Lille city center

How to reach Lille ?

> by train

Easy access by high-speed train (TGV) from main cities in France and north Europe:

Situated just 400 meters from one another, Lille's two train stations are located in the city center and are served by both the metro and the tram. Fast trains from Paris Charles-de-Gaulle airport to Lille take around 50 minutes. There are frequent services on the rail route between Paris Charles-de-Gaulle airport and Lille train stations

> by plane

How to reach Prague (GECCO) from Lille?

Two main options are available in order to attend GECCO 2019 in Prague, on Friday, July 12, 2019:

    (1) Train: from Lille to Paris Charles-de-Gaulle airport (CDG)

    (2) Flight: from Paris Charles-de-Gaulle airport (CDG) to Prague airport (PRG)

    (1) Train: from Lille to Brussels Midi

    (2) City transportation from Brussels Midi to Brussels National airport, about 30 min (IC) + 15 min of waiting time

    (3) Flight: from Brussels airport - National (BRU) to Prague airport (PRG)


Our suggestion is to find an accommodation in Lille's city center (15-minute metro ride from the workshop location).

Few options are listed below:

About Lille

Lille is the 4th largest urban area of France, and capital of French Flanders. It is a friendly city being historically one of the main cities connecting France with north Europe. It has a rich history, a nice architecture, besides its tasty gastronomy and famous beverages. The city has a large choice of hotels, more than 3200 rooms available, from 1 to 5 stars hotels, and all the necessary infrastructures to host worldwide events. For instance, Lille was nominated as the European Capital of Culture in 2004 and the World design Capital in 2020.

Organizing Committee

If you have any question, feel free to @ contact us