CIIRC NLP Technologies
We improve the companies productivity

Conversational AI solutions offer users an enhanced digital experience through dialogue-based interactions. 

Gartner predicts that by 2027, chatbots will become the primary communication channel for ~25% of all organisations

Our conversational AI systems are designed for simplicity in both development and maintenance, utilizing a web-based user interface optimized primarily for mobile devices.

We offer a diverse range of user experiences, from basic directed dialogues to advanced, voice-controlled conversational systems with multimodal capabilities. 

The scalable nature of these solutions allows for seamless integration within the broader enterprise ecosystem.

We supply an intuitive suite of tools for the creation and maintenance of dialogues, complemented by comprehensive debugging and analytics resources.

Open science and open source AI prevent blackbox systems, make companies more accountable, and help solving today’s challenges like mitigating biases, reducing misinformation, promoting copyright, & rewarding all stakeholders including artists & content creators in the value creation process.

@ClementDelangue Co-founder & CEO @HuggingFace 🤗