15 & 16 September

A 2-day summit with lectures, research networking lounge
and a
research opportunity fair

Personalised blueprint of chronic inflammation in health-to-disease transition

Trustworthy artificial intelligence tools

Next generation therapies/diagnostics for diseases/disorders with unmet medical needs

Vaccines 2.0 - developing the next generation of vaccines

Boosting mental health in Europe in times of change

Transforming Health/Science and care system


The CiiEM Summer Research Summit NetworkLounge aims to foster networking in the Congress with internal and external partners and stakeholders.
Soon we will unveil the platform where groups, hubs and labs may get to know how they can book the lounge space

The CiiEM Summer Research Summit ResearchFair aims to disseminate and attract young researchers for future projects and thesis. Overall, we intend to further connect CiiEM with students.
Soon we will unveil the platform where groups, hubs and labs may publish their research position opportunities for young researchers, with the type of position, subject, the recent work from the group, what goals they expect to reach and other information.


Abanoub Riad

Masaryk University (Czechia)

Ana Meira

Ordem dos Psicólogos

Ana Vanessa Antunes


Catarina Duarte Santos


Dinis Bento Loyens

ARS Lisboa e Vale do Tejo

Câmara Municipal de Almada

Joana Couceiro


João Botelho


University of Applied Sciences Western (Switzerland)

University of Applied Sciences Western (Switzerland)

Newcastle University (United Kingdom)

Newcastle University (United Kingdom)

ESTEC / Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra

This hybrid event will allow both in-person attendees and virtual attendees