The University of Guanajuato Campus Leon, through the Social Sciences and Humanities Division and ProvocArte Collective, invite the general population to participate in the

Primer Concurso de Fotografía Diversidad y Paz

[First International Photography Contest: Diversity & Peace]


To promote the respect and acceptance of sexual diversity, to guarantee the value and dignity of all people, as well as the knowledge of their freedom and human rights.


We invite the general society to participate by presenting photographs that favor and promote the respect to the LGBTTTI+ community rights.

1.- General society will may participate, as well as professional photographers, amateurs, and students.

2.- Participation will be with an individual photography or a series of up to four photographs about any of the specified themes (topics).

3.- The images must be original and have been taken in the period from 2014 to 2017.

4.- The photography can be any of the next techniques: analogical, digital, pinhole photography, older process, color or black and white.

5.- The images cannot be altered by Photomontage or any digital process.

6.- The winning photographs will conform an itinerant collective exhibition.


Winning participants will be recognized by the organizing committee, and will be formed an itinerant exhibition to be presented at each headquarters of the University of Guanajuato, Campus Leon.


The Photographers must submit their work to the following email:

§ Each file must be identified with the participant's pseudonym and the name of the photo separated by an hyphen in JPG format. Example:


§ The images must be send in .jpg extension with a size of 300 dpi of resolution and 1000 pixels of the shortest side. The technical file of the photograph must be attached.

§ Important: Participants must keep the original files of their images at least 300 dpi and 3000 pixels of the shortest side so that they can be printed in case of winning.

§ A confirmation email will be sent no later than three days after the photo is sent. In case you do not receive it, please contact the committee via Facebook:

The photography submission will be from the publication of this call and up to july 5 of this year.


The jury will be integrated by experts in Photography, who will qualify the conceptual and technical quality of the image.

The jury reserves the right to award honorable mentions and its decision will be final.


By participating, you express your agreement with the terms of the call and authorize the organizing committee to use the photographs for promotional and exhibition purposes without affecting copyright. Any matter not provided in this call will remain at the discretion of the organizing committee and members of the jury.

