
Open Ph.D./M.S. Positions (Spring/Fall 2024)

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for funded graduate student (M.S. and Ph.D.) research positions in the CIBER Lab. Please read the following information carefully prior to submitting your application. Applications will be reviewed continuously based on the criteria outlined below:

If selected for admission and financial support, you will receive a graduate assistantship that covers your tuition, fees, and health insurance, as well as provides a competitive monthly stipend. The CIBER Lab is an interdisciplinary research group that is interested in recruiting exceptional researchers from diverse academic backgrounds. Given the nature of research projects you will be involved in, prior knowledge and proven experience in data analytics, machine learning, computer vision, and programming and computing tools (e.g., Python, MATLAB, C++, JavaScript, Unity) will be a great asset when evaluating your application.

Once you join the CIBER Lab, your work progress is continuously monitored. Although I will assist you with your research issues as they may arise, you should feel comfortable working on your own and at your pace while respecting the overall project timeline and requirements set forth at the beginning. As a graduate student, you are expected to disseminate your work by actively participating in professional conferences and publishing technical papers in peer-reviewed journals. In order to achieve this goal, having good oral and written communication skills and the ability to handle professional conversations are considered assets. Showing evidence of competitive TOEFL, GRE, or GMAT scores as well as high GPA will help evaluate your application in this regard.

If you believe that your interests and skills fit well into these criteria please send me (1) a detailed CV including the names and contact information of at least three professional references, (2) a one-page summary of previous research and accomplishments, (3) work samples (e.g., papers, reports, media), and (4) a one-page narrative outlining your long-term career plans and objectives. Due to the large number of inquiries from prospective students, I will only respond to emails that are carefully written to demonstrate a sincere and strong desire to pursue graduate research (emails drafted by LLM tools such as ChatGPT or using generic email templates will be discarded!). Your communications should clearly indicate that you have carefully studied relevant CIBER Lab contents and that you believe there is a reasonable match between your interests as a graduate student and the projects conducted in the CIBER Lab. A good first impression can play an important role when evaluating a large number of competitive applications for admission and financial support.