Sunday 2 February 2025 – 11am Sunday First Service
Readings: Hebrews 2: 14 to 18 and Luke 2: 22 to 40
You can watch the service online on YouTube by clicking on this link:
Services Next Week in St Michael’s
Wednesday 5 February 9:30 Spoken Holy Communion
Sunday 9 February 11am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
Normal Alphington Open Church times:
Monday 2pm to 4pm
Tuesday 10am to noon
Wednesday 10:30 to noon, follows 9:30 Communion
Thursday 2pm to 4pm
Friday 2pm to 4pm.
Do drop in for a cup of something hot or cold and a chat or just some quiet time.
Gardeners please note - 3 May 2025 – Tabletop and Plant sale
A list will be available in church this Sunday to sign up to. Details in last week’s notices.
Bedding Begonias' Marigold Poppy Cornflower Nigella (Love in a mist)
Cosmos Lobelia Gazania Zinnia, annual Dahlia
Sunflower Tomato Courgette Runner beans
Bring and Share Lunch
There will not be a lunch at the New Inn in February, instead we are planning a Church Family lunch on Sunday 16th February after the Morning Praise service. We would love as many people to join us as possible and get to know some of the newer members of our congregation over a meal.
Look out for the sign-up lists and then bring along your signature dish to share.
Another CAP Money Coaching Course
These four-week, FREE, courses are available to anyone who finds it difficult to plan/control their expenditure/finances and wishes help without having to divulge their own situation. The next course is starting at 7pm on Thursday 30th January. Please encourage anyone you know who might benefit from such a course to register, either via the website or getting in contact with Alan or Marjorie Douglas.
Click on this link to sign up Click here to sign up
Monday 3rd February, 7pm in Church – About the Defibrillator
This session is free, and we’d love to see as many people as possible attending.
The Community Heartbeat Trust will be demonstrating the use of defibrillators and explaining how the equipment works and its benefits to the community in saving precious minutes in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest.
The more people that know how to use the portable defibrillator installed in our community, the more chance there is of saving the life of a victim of Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Everybody is welcome, and no special skills are required, just your willingness to play an important role in the event of a medical emergency.
What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest: -
‘5 minutes to save a life’
’Physiology of the heart’
How to recognise SCA
How to dial 999
what to expect
questions you will be asked
How to do CPR and why
Practical Demonstration
How to use your AED
Recovery position/turning a patient
Handover to the Paramedics
Governance and support programmes
More information can be found here: Awareness Session Documents
1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea – 10 day pilgrimage to Nicea
April 28th to May 7th.
Cost: £1350
Led by Bishop Michael Chartres & Archbishop Nikitas Loulias
More information here:
If you're interested, contact Hanneke Cummings who is also hoping to go.
2 Forthcoming events at Exeter Cathedral
Bach Mass in B minor
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
7:30 pm
Bach St John Passion
Sat 29th March 2025
If it’s easier, use this link:
It's possible to add a link on your phone homescreen so you can always see the latest notice sheet.
Click on the link below to see the video explaining what to do.
Make sure your volume is turned up.
Dates for your diary – all at St Michael’s unless otherwise stated
Sunday 2 February
11am Sunday First Service
Monday 3 February
7pm defibrillator Training
Wednesday 5 February
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 9 February
11am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
Wednesday 12 February
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 16 February
11am Morning Praise
Wednesday 19 February
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 23 February
11am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
Wednesday 26 February
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 2 March
11am Sunday First Service
Shrove Tuesday 4 March
Ash Wednesday 5 March – Lent begins
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 9 March
11am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
Wednesday 12 March
9:30am Holy Communion
Saturday 15 March
7:00pm The Big ICE Quiz – details on poster above
Sunday 16 March
11am Morning Praise
Wednesday 19 March
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 23 March
11am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
Wednesday 26 March
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 30 March
11am Mothering Sunday – Morning Worship
Wednesday 2 April
9:30am Holy Communion
Sunday 6 April
11am Sunday First Service
Wednesday 9 April
9:30am Holy Communion
Friday 11 April
6pm onwards – Clothes Sale
Saturday 12 April
10:00 to 12 noon – Clothes Sale
Sunday 13 April
11am Palm Sunday – Morning Worship, Clive Barker speaking
Friday 18 April
3pm Good Friday Devotional
Sunday 20 April
11:00am Easter Sunday Communion Service
The Churchwardens can be contacted on:
Sue on or phone 07782 272106
Roger on or phone 07782 271862