One of the most fascinating experiences at SFSU is to guide different students (from different ethnicities, gender and ages) into different research topics. Students and I worked together for 1.5 to 2 years, we start by reading some basic books and theories in a direction we both are interested in. Then gradually we discover and formulate some new problems. We search over literatures, develop new perspective, and finally attempt to answer the problems through our hardwork.  

Guided Undergraduate Student Research

Randolf Chung: Non-symmetric Convex Polytope and Gabor orthonormal bases, published in Proc Amer. Math. Soc.

Calvin Chen: Null Space property in low dimension.

Jacqueline Corona and Elizabeth Huang:  Stability and Phase-lift algorithm for conjugate phase retrieval

Master Students

Luke Evans  (Topic: Conjugate phase retrieval)  [Thesis], [published paper]

Ben Freeman (Topic: Continuous Landau density theorem)  [Thesis]

Shahram Emami (Topic: Riesz basis of exponentials for fractal Cantor measures)  [Thesis], [published paper]

Hal Prince  (Topic: Spectral measures on union of linear spaces) [published paper]  (his book on Godel's incompleteness)

Angel Cruz (Topic: Erdos similarity Problems on a Cantor-type sets) [published paper]

Thu Xuan Trinh (Topic: Finite Search of Bourgain's sum of sine problem)  [Thesis]

Dexter Dysthe (Topic: Fourier dimension on graph of stochastic processes) [Thesis], [published paper]

Alexander Sheynis (Topic: Riesz basis on boundary of squares) [Thesis],  [published paper]

John Gallagher (Topic: Topological Erdos similarity problems)  [Thesis], [published paper]

William Chuang (Topic: Hausdorff dimension of limit sets of well-distributed Schottky groups) [Thesis]

Lekha Patil (Topic: Projection of Fractals with very thick shadows) [Thesis]

Nickolas Mendler (Topic: Path-connectedness of Frontier of Planar Self-similar sets)

Danny Lopez (Topic: Kadec 1/4 theorem for Riesz bases in high dimension)

Yeonwook Jung (Topic: Thickness of fractals and applications)

Some pictures with my students

With Yeonwook, Lekha and Angel

With Alexander