

1) 近藤健児『現代経済の諸問題と国際労働移動』(250ページ、2021年12月、勁草書房)

2) Kenji Kondoh The Economics of International Immigration: Environment, Unemployment, the Wage Gap, and Economic Welfare (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives)(243pages, October 2016, Springer).

3) 近藤健児『環境、貿易と国際労働移動』(184ページ、20093月、勁草書房).

4) 近藤健児『国際労働移動の経済学』(博士論文、136ページ、20008月、勁草書房).

5) 近藤健児『国際労働移動の経済分析』(修士論文、78ページ、19913).


1) 近藤健児/寶多康弘/須賀宣仁編著『国際貿易理論の現代的諸問題』(271ページ、20193月、勁草書房) 第12章執筆.

2) 近藤健児/國崎稔/寶多康弘編著『現代経済理論と政策の諸問題』(178ページ、20126月、勁草書房) 第3章執筆.

3) 近藤健児/藪内繁己編著『現代国際貿易の諸問題』(239ページ、20079月、勁草書房) 第9章執筆.

4) 近藤健児/多和田眞/松葉敬文編著『労働者管理企業と労働移動の経済学』 (107ページ、20023月、勁草書房) 第5章、第6章執筆.


1) "Agritourism, Unemployment, and Urban-Rural Migration," with Hiroshi Kurata, (in Amitrajeet A. Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano and Peter Nijkamp (Eds.) Rural-Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia, Springer: New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives 48, 2021, p. 25-42)

2) “A Paradoxical Immigration Restriction Policy for Unskilled Illegal Immigrants,” (Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, vol.4 (2), 2020, p. 479-497)

3) “Tourism, Capital/Labor Inflow, and Regional Development,” with Yuichi Furukawa and Shigemi Yabuuchi (International Advances in Economic Research, vol.25 (2), 2019, p.221-233)

4) “Restriction Policy and Two Co-existing Types of Illegal Immigration,” (Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, vol.2 (1), 2018, p. 159-176)

5) “International Immigration via Two Different Types of Midstream Countries,” (in Binh Tran-Nam, Makoto Tawada and Masayuki Okawa (Eds.) Recent Developments in Normative Trade Theory and Welfare Economics, Springer: New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives 26, 2018, p.141-154)

6) “International Integration with Heterogeneous Immigration Policies,” with Nicola D. Coniglio (International Economics, Vol.142, 2015, p.15-31)

7) “Renewable Resources, Environmental Pollution, and International Migration,” (The International Economy, Vol.17, 2014, p.1-14)

8) “Emigration, Immigration, and Skill Formation: The Case of a Midstream Country,” (International Journal of Population Research, online only, 2014, 8pages)

9) "Unemployment, Environmental Policy, and International Migration," with Shigemi Yabuuchi (Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Vol.21, No.5, 2012, p.677-690)

10) "Globalization and Economic Welfare: The Presence of an Unfair Gap between Skilled Workers," (Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, Vol.3, No.5, 2012, 17-24).

11) "Can an EPA Help a Country with a Decreasing Population?" (Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.17, No.1, 2010, p.1-16).

12) "Pollution Abatement Equipment and International Migration," (Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.16, No.3, 2009, p.285-296.).

13) "Trans-boundary Pollution, Free Trade Agreement /Economic Partnership Agreement and Economic Welfare," (International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Vol.1, No.1, 2009, p.136-152).

14) "Temporary and Permanent Immigration under Unionization," with Laixun Zhao (Review of Development Economics, Vol.11, No.2, 2007, p.346-358).

15) "Trans-Boundary Pollution and Brain Drain Migration," (Review of Development Economics, Vol.11, No.2, 2007, p.333-345).

16) "Trans-boundary Pollution and International Migration," (Review of International Economics, Vol.14, No.2, 2006, p.248-260).

17) "The Frequency of Migration and Optimal Restriction Policies," (Global Business and Economics Anthology, December 2006-.1, 2006, p.197-209).

18) "International Immigration, Economic Welfare in an Efficiency Wage Model," (Pacific Economic Review, Vol.9, No.1, 2004, p.1-12).

19) "International Immigration, Non-Traded Goods, and Economic Welfare in an Overlapping Generations Model" (in A. Woodland (eds.) Economic Theory and International Trade, Edward Elgar Pub., 2002, p.268-277).

20) "Legal Migration and Illegal Migration: The Effectiveness of Qualitative and Quantitative Restriction Policies," (Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Vol.9, No.3, 2000, p.227-245) .

21) "Permanent Migrants and Cross- Border Workers: The Effects on the Host Country," (Journal of Regional Science, Vol.38, No.3, 1999, p.467-478).

22) "The Economic Analysis on a Host Country of Immigration with Remittance" with Makoto Tawada (Studies in Regional Science, vol.21, No.2,1991, p.31-39).


1) “Protecting Brain Drain Versus Excluding Low-Quality Workers,” with Kiyoshi Matsubara, (in Coung Le Van, Van Pham Hoang, and Makoto Tawada (eds.) International Trade, Economic Development, and the Vietnamese Economy: Essays in Honor of Binh Tran-Nam, Springer: New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives 61, 2022).

2) “Subsidy to Environmental Industry in a North-South Model of Trans-Boundary Pollution, Trade and Migration,” with Nicola D. Coniglio, (近藤/寶多/須賀編著『国際貿易理論の現代的諸問題』所収、20193)

3) The Economics of International Immigration : Introduction and Summary,(CUIE Discussion Paper 1505, March 2016).

4) 「国際要素移動、効率賃金と不完全競争」(近藤/國崎/寶多編著『現代経済理論と政策の諸問題』所収、20126)

5) International Factor Mobility, Efficiency Wage Rate, and Imperfect Competition,(CUIE Discussion Paper 0804, July 2008).

6) 「労働基準、国際労働移動と賃金格差」、趙来勲と共著、(近藤/藪内編著『現代国際貿易の諸問題』所収, 20079月)

7) Trans-Boundary Pollution, Optimal Transfer and International Migration,(中京大学経済論叢第18, 20073).

8) 「越境汚染と国際労働移動 -不完全競争と労働組合が存在するケース」 (中京大学経済論叢第17, 20063).

9) International Labor Standards and International Migration,with Laixun Zhao, (CUIE Discussion Paper 0307, August 2003).

10) 「非合法移民、労働組合と受入国の経済」(平成14年度 学術フロンティア・プロジェクト 国際金融革命と法 国際資本移動・電子商取引研究班研究成果報告書 関西大学法学研究所, 20033).

11) 「『定住移民と越境労働者』再論 -非貿易財が資本集約的な場合に送金活動が受入国に与える影響の曖昧さについて-」平岩恵里子と共著、(近藤/多和田/松葉編著『労働者管理企業と労働移動の経済学』所収, 20023).





環境問題、少子化、貿易協定などを考慮しつつ、国際労働移動を理論的に経済分析することで、日本の労働者のための政策を探求する。第1部はCopeland and Taylorモデルによる越境汚染と国際労働移動に関する2つの研究、第2部は経済連携協定(EPA)の少子化や環境汚染に対する有効性の分析、第3部は効率賃金と失業、労働組合、繰り返し労働移動などのトピックスを理論的に扱い、受入国にとっての最適政策を模索する。

The Economics of International Immigration

This is the first book that takes a theoretical approach to the effects of international immigration by considering the current economic topics confronted by more highly developed countries such as Japan. Developed here is the classic trade model by Heckscher–Ohlin–Samuelson, McDougall’s basic model of the international movement factor, the urban–rural migration model by Harris–Todaro, and Copeland–Taylor’s well-known model in the field of environmental economics by introducing new trends such as economic integration including free trade and factor mobility between countries at different stages of development. Coexistence of two types of immigrants – legal, skilled workers and illegal, unskilled workers – without any explicit signs of discrimination, transboundary pollution caused by neighboring lower-developed countries with poor pollution abatement technology, difficult international treatment of transboundary renewable resources, the rapid process of aging and population decrease, the higher unemployment rate of younger generations, and the serious gap between permanent and temporary employed workers―are also considered in this book as new and significant topics under the context of international immigration. Taking into account the special difficulties of those serious problems in Asia, each chapter illustrates Japanese and other Asian situations that encourage readers to understand the importance of optimal immigration policies. Also shown is the possibility that economic integration and liberalization of international immigration should bring about positive effects on the economic welfare of the developed host country including the aspects of natural environment, renewable transboundary resources, the rate of unemployment, and the wage gap between workers.


第1部 環境保護と労働移動

第1章 汚染抑制装置と国際労働移動

第2章 失業,環境政策と国際労働移動

第3章 再生可能資源,環境汚染と国際労働移動

第2部 観光業と環境および労働移動

第4章 観光業,資本および労働の流入と地域発展

第5章 アグリツーリズム,失業と都市=農村間労働移動

第3部 欧州経済統合と労働移動

第6章 移民政策の多様性と経済統合

第7章 異なるタイプの中間国を経由する国際労働移動

第8章 労働の送り出し,受け入れ,および技能形成――国際労働移動の中間国のケース

第4部 不法移民と外国人単純労働者の導入推進政策

第9章 2つのタイプの不法移民がいる下での規制政策

第10章 非合法単純労働者への逆説的規制政策



