
Wei Xie - December 3, 2020

Wei Xie -November 23, 2020

Non-Profits CEPI, Gavi and WHO Targeting Vaccine Inequality with COVAX Program

Even if all five vaccines succeed, ~61% of the world will not have a vaccine until at least 2022.

Wei Xie -November 16, 2020

Human Body's Immune Response to Covid

Wei Xie -November 8, 2020

I'm currently raising funds for the BC Children's Hospital Foundation by selling reusable shopping bags I designed. I'll be selling them to local shops, and anyone else interested.

If you or anyone you know are interested, please contact me at! Please pass this on to anyone you know would be interested. Thanks!

Wei Xie - October 16, 2020

With Remembrance Day approaching, I wanted to share a poem I wrote, Remembrance in Fall.

Wei Xie - November 3, 2020

Credit: Emmanuel Lafont

BBC asks various experts, from professors to LinkedIn Chief Economist Karin Kimbrough

Wei Xie - November 1, 2020

Credit: Corina Staffe

Wei Xie - November 1, 2020

Electric Airplanes Taking Off

Swiss Pipistrel's Velis Electro completes its "maiden flight"

Wei Xie - October 30, 2020

Marc Corpataux who runs AlpinAirPlanes with his new Pipistrel Velis Electro plane. Source: Pipistrel

Spread of new variant, Credit: University of Basel

"... very few of these variants have spread as successfully... named 20A.EU1"

Wei Xie - November 1, 2020

A rare variety of maize that makes its own nitrogen.

Wei Xie - October 30, 2020

Photo: Howard-Yana Shapiro

A bio-inspired web made of silk nano fibers, 2 to 3 cm in width. (Credit: Silk Lab Tufts University)

"Ultralight web of silk nano fibres withstands load 4,000 times its weight."

"Structural proteins are nature’s building blocks... A major obstacle to fabricating comparable synthetic materials is natural materials' hierarchical structure which confers unique properties from the molecular to the macro level. When scientists try to emulate this structure, they often find that control at one scale hinders control at other scales."

Wei Xie - October 30, 2020

Wei Xie - October 28, 2020

"Agriculture 4.0"
Tech Revolutions in Farming

Wei Xie - October 28, 2020

Advances in data analytics, AI, robotics, gene editing and biotechnology are changing farms. They have the potential to drastically increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact, but are we thinking critically enough?

Check out the above links to find out!

Microfluidic Channels for Better Chip Cooling

Designing electronic chips for microfluidic cooling

In a nutshell, targeting individual parts in the chip with super narrow water channels, instead of cumbersomely moving all the heat through the entire chip and blowing cold air over the whole thing, as is the case now.

Wei Xie - October 27, 2020

Ageing, Food and the Body's Adaptation in Space

Wei Xie - October 26, 2020

Source: NASA

Dynamic Sky Replacement and Harmonization in Videos

Wei Xie - October 26, 2020

Source: UPS Battery Centre

Using cyanobacteria to produce biofuels from sunlight, CO2 and water

Wei Xie - October 26, 2020

BC COVID-19 Dashboard

Super helpful COVID-19 overview & data explorer for BC!

Wei Xie

Exercises to Keep Fit During COVID

Hey guys, I made this video with a particular focus on elders back in March.

In it, I demonstrate very simple exercises based on traditional Chinese medicine that anyone can do anywhere.

Wei Xie - October 16, 2020

© Keystone / Gaetan Bally

"A WHO survey found that up to 60% of Europeans are becoming irritated with government restrictions, and sometimes reluctant to follow them."

Wei Xie - October 16, 2020

Wei Xie - October 15, 2020

Source: The Economic Times

Wei Xie - October 13, 2020

Wondering how you can keep safe from COVID-19? Check out this article on Corona and surfaces.

CTV News: "A new study looking at how long the novel coronavirus can survive on surfaces found that it can remain infectious on some surfaces -- including bank notes -- for at least 28 days, provided the temperature is right."

Source: FDA

Wei Xie - October 13, 2020