
Every adult who has a student in orchestra is automatically a member of The Rosin Club. We hold two mandatory all-member meetings (one in the fall/August and one in the spring/April). These meetings include important information about uniforms, student costs, concerts, events, fundraisers, and trips.

 Join us at Rosin Club Board Meetings! We meet online via Google Meet quarterly. The Board helps guide The Rosin Club and advises Mrs. Murphy on important orchestra decisions. We have official board positions and we also have At-Large positions. Anyone is welcome to pop in at any time. Ask Mrs. Murphy for more information or email Rosin Club President Ruth Edwards at ruthewell@gmail.com. 

For more information about the CHS Orchestra Program, look at Mrs. Murphy's Orchestra Website.


It is our mission to ENHANCE our students' music education experience; 

SUPPORT the orchestra director and program; and PROMOTE the school's

orchestra program in the wider community.


We embrace Positivity by striving to keep the energy of our group joyful 

and vibrant. We are Inclusive of all who want to support our students and 

we welcome and consider all ideas. We are Transparent in all of our 

activities, including finances. We value everyone's time and therefore 

maintain Tactical Focus by zeroing in on our goals, managing meetings 

efficiently, and leveraging communication methods to take action.


Projects sponsored by Orchestra Boosters include: 

• Fundraising activities that help offset the costs of instrument repair, field trip transportation, 

and concerts among other orchestra needs. 

• Fundraising activities to support offsetting the cost of the overnight trip for the school year.

• Concert and event support such as marketing/promotion, programs, refreshments, and decorations as needed.