Welcome to Cajon

Hey, Cowboys! Welcome to your first year at Cajon High School! Link Crew would love to help you throughout your Freshman year. Try to go to all the events you can, and make some high school memories. These four years will speed by, so make sure to have fun while you can!

Link Crew Virtual Tour.mp4

Meet Cajon's Link Leaders!!

Click on a Link Leader's name to view their introduction!

Meet Our Current Link Coordinator!!

Mrs.  Afroukh

Teaches CP English 9 and the Link Crew class. Despite this being her first year as the Link Crew Coordinator, her passion and dedication to the program make her one of the most compassionate and extraordinary leaders.  

Meet Our Past Link Coordinators!!

Ms. Garrett

Teaches MYP English 10 and a Link Crew class. Even though it's her second year as the Lead Link Crew Coordinator, her fearless leadership, love for Link Crew, and desire to spread positivity make her the perfect person for the job. 

Mr. Kakish

Teaches Math and a Link Crew class. If there was an award for happiest teacher it would go to Mr. Kakish. His positive vibes and go-getter attitude make him an outstanding Link Crew Coordinator.

Mr. Acuna

Teaches MYP & CP English 9. Even though Mr. Acuna doesn't have a Link Crew class he still contributes to our organization by helping with events and some things behind the scenes. If you see him with his camera make sure to strike a pose and smile! 

Meet the Original Link Coordinators!!

A long time ago on our campus, so not very far away, these three teachers brought Link Crew to life at Cajon High School.

Mrs. Carlone

Teaches MPY Geography and AVID. Mrs. Carlone is the one who started it all. With her desire to improve school culture she lead the way in establishing Link Crew. Although she has now passed the Lead position to Ms. Garrett, Mrs. Carlone still loves to support Link Crew every opportunity she has.

Mr. Pham

Teaches IB Chemistry. Mr. Pham's skill as a science teacher is only surpassed by his amazing sense of style. Don't be surprised if you see if you see Mr. Pham Dressed For Success at one of our events. He may no longer be directly involved with Link Crew but he always goes out of his way to show his support. 

Ms. Kackery

Teaches Senior English. Ms. Kackery is probably one of the busiest people on campus. If you see her, make sure to give her a friendly hello because she's probably heading to some meeting to make some positive change. Even though Ms. Kackery is incredibly busy she always tries to make it to our Link Crew events to show her support.