Chronicles of Chronicles is a Massive, Multi-Part Game Series

Hello everyone! My name is KrimsonKatt, and this is a project I have been working on since I was very young. I call it "Chronicles of Chronicles." It is a massive, multi-part game series that stretches across the history, and many alternate histories, of the world of Zutara and it's many inhabitants.

Long ago, there was a great empire known as Arcadia where humans and dragons lived in peace. However, a massive war broke out between rebel dragons who wanted to enslave humanity and the dragons who wanted to protect them. This resulted in an arcane curse being put on the world itself. Every thousand years, a great evil will emerge from the sky, and bring ruin upon mankind.

These were the ancient words spoken by the fell dragon Mordrake upon his defeat by Ryu, the first bearer of the Firebrand; an ancient mark that shows that you are divinity incarnated, an incarnation of one of the first dragons; ancient, immortal beings that have watched over humanity and dragonkind for eons. Thus, as long as history went on, the incarnations of the first dragon Valfa and the mysterious demonic beings known as Archons constantly waged war until the day the ultimate evil, Elzakalas, would awaken...

Introduction to the Grand History of Zutara

Zutara, as with most worlds, has gone though many distinct ages throughout it's history. To the golden days of Arcadia during the Genesis Saga to the post-apocalyptic wastelands of the Final Saga, the Chronicles of Chronicles series has almost every fantasy setting imaginable. With all this complexity, where should a new player start? Well, that's what I, the creator KrimsonKatt, also known as the divine Barbello, am here for. Here I will explain each major story arc and their overall significance to the plot.

The Genesis Saga

The Genesis Saga is the first saga in the timeline chronologically, featuring two very distinct games. The first game is Genesis Chronicles, a game that shows the events of the First War, the war near the beginning of Zutara's history that faced most of the First Dragons and their followers against the rebelling Mordu, now known as the Fell Dragon Adonis, his fellow traitors among the first dragons, and his followers.

The game is a short, 2-5 hour long JRPG featuring the protagonist Ryu facing off with the forces of Adonis in this Chronicles of Chronicles origin story.

The next game is Unreal Chronicles. Taking place 50 years after the events of Genesis Chronicles, a sorcerer named Fath has taken control of the remnants of Adonis' forces to form the Gortoto Empire, an empire with no gods. To face this new threat, a hero named Dargo rises along with his 12 companions, the Vivian Children, powerful female mages who are blessed with no knowledge of evil, at least at first.

However, throughout their journey, Dargo's faith in the seemingly benevolent Theocracy of Magia Zophia begins the waver, leading to the ultimate choice. Will Dargo betray his destiny as the hero of light and join the darkness, or will he sacrifice everything in order to bring peace to the world? Find out in this exciting SRPG! (Strategy Role Playing Game)

Divided into three distinct generations and featuring over a dozen gigantic maps, this game is sure to keep you company! The two games in the Genesis Saga are planned to release once the Meteo Saga is finished.

The Meteo Saga

The Meteo Saga is the second saga chronologically, and features three games that are all turn-based JRPGs. Each game features a class-change mechanic similar to Final Fantasy V or Bravely Default, allowing you to give any character any role in or outside of battle, though some characters are better in some classes than others. Each subsequent game adds more and more classes into the mix, allowing you to be able to experiment with new and exciting classes.

The trilogy mainly revolves around an ancient calamity known as the Crimson Meteor that destroyed the ancient kingdom of Arcadia, or more accurately it's successor, The Kingdom of Nogarde. This calamity is fated to return to bring ruin to the world once more, and only a knight named Koros, blessed with the power of the first dragon Kairos, can stop this great calamity. Thus, the events of Meteo Chronicles take place.

100 years later in the Empire of Morda Vael, a mercenary named Sero discovers a deal of a lifetime, allowing her to collect a large sum of money if she does one simple thing: to take the mystical crystals from their rightful places and bring them to the king. However, Sero gets a lot more than she bargained for, leading her down the path of darkness. Thus, the events of Zero Gear Chronicles take place.

About a year after the events of Zero Gear Chronicles, the reincarnation of Koros, Seth, lives a peaceful life in the small town of Nostra. However, when a mysterious woman calling herself Sero attacks his village, stealing everyone's energy and turning everyone to stone. Seth, in search of revenge, seeks out the 6 sages Sero plans to target to warn them of Sero's threat, all while Sero plans to open the "Ebony Gate," a gigantic door that is said to lead to the afterlife. Will Seth be able to stop Sero in time to save the world, will Seth get his revenge against Sero and save his friends, and what does this all have to do with dragons? Find out, in Ebony Chronicles!

Another thing of note is that the Meteo Saga also features a epilogue to Meteo Chronicles called Crypt Challenge DX which features a non-linear story, multiple endings, and many secrets. Overall, the Meteo Trilogy is a great place to start in the Chronicles of Chronicles series as the trilogy is mostly self-contained and the gameplay is solid between all three games.

Download Meteo Chronicles Here! link Link

Firebrand Chronicles

My magnum opus and my greatest creation, Firebrand Chronicles is set the be one of the most ambitious indie games of all time. It will be a full 50 hour long action RPG featuring tight, fluid gameplay, a gripping story, tons of optional content, and 12 unique playable characters each with their own play style and special moves.

The game plays similarly to a side-scrolling hack-and-slash with each character having a basic combo as well as a variety of special moves activated with button combinations. Don't worry, the large majority of the button combinations are simple and easy to learn, so you don't have to worry about doing an absurdly long series of button inputs to pull off one move like in Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.

The plot takes place 1000 years after the events of Ebony Chronicles and features a dragonkin (dragon taken human form) named Ryuuta that after a tragic series of events is brought into a brutal conflict between man and dragon as he searches for his friend Idoun across the world of Zutara. With over 30 areas, multiple endings, over 40 enemy types, over 30 bosses, over 50 "unique monsters," 12 superbosses, 6 endings, 12 characters, tons of weapons and relics to collect, over 40 sidequests, a friendship mechanic that allows you to build closer bonds with your party members, exclusive character-focused quests for each individual party member, many secrets, and more, Firebrand Chronicles will be one of the greatest indie games of all time and my dream project.

However, due to my massive ambition for this game, I will not only need plenty more experience, but also a dedicated team to make my ambitions a reality. I would need an artist, (for the portraits) a sprite artist, (for the in-game sprites) a composer, (for the soundtrack) and a game designer. (for putting all of the parts together to make a game.)

We will also need 12 beta testers to test the game and give feedback so we can release the game in a finished state. Each member of the main team (Artist, Sprite Artist, Composer, and Game Designer) Will get 18% of the revenue obtained from game sales while I, the creator, will get 28% of revenue.

All beta testers will get 5 free game keys to use for themselves or to give to their friends and family. My job would to make the design document, create the story, outline the basic gameplay, and overall lead the direction of the project. While I am looking for team members now, I will probably not want to begin work on this massive project at least until I have finished the Meteo Saga, the Genesis Saga, and the Boltman Saga.

If you have any questions, or want to join my team once development starts, you can reach out to me at Thank you.

Boltman Saga

The Boltman Saga takes place 2000 years after the events of Firebrand Chronicles, taking place in a time in Zutara's history where magick has ceased to exist and super-humans powered by a energy source known as Theron walk the earth.

In this new world, there lives a young billionaire named Tobias Satori, descendant of Ryuuta and bearer of the firebrand, which is strange as magick isn't supposed to exist anymore, leading most people to believe that it's just an odd birthmark. Tobias is one of the humans without superpowers, but despite this he lived a life of luxury up in his massive tower.

However, everything changes when a criminal with the power to control electricity attacks his tower, causing Tobias to learn that he has the power to copy other people's powers, being able to keep an unlimited amount of them. This makes his quite possibly the strongest esper (super-powered human) in the world.

Tobias decides to use this power for good, recruiting many allies and helping stop many evils such as the Quazul Army and E.V.I. (evil villains incorporated) During his travels, he meets a esper rabbit who has the power to enhance other espers powers, making him quite valuable. Eventually, this rabbit, named Ninwalk, comes across an alternate dimension known as Jutara, filled with intelligent talking animals.

There Ninwalk learns of an evil threat seeking to destroy Jutara, and meets many new friends like the koala Aussie and the hamster Chompers on his way to destroy this new evil. Upon returning home, Ninwalk and his allies discover an enemy from the past has returned in the form of a giant living planet, and both the heroes of Jutara and Zutara must team up to defeat this returning threat.

These adventures and many more await our heroes, as this series features 11 games total. That's a lot! But don't worry, each game is very short and data carries over from game-to-game, so think of it as "episodes" of a episodic series rather than 11 different games. The timeline goes like this.

1: Boltman Chronicles Episode I: Dawn of Heroes

2: Boltman Chronicles Episode II: Order of Evil

3: Secret Burrough Chronicles Episode I: Phantom Revelation

4: Boltman Chronicles Episode III: Duudai's Revenge

5: Secret Burrough Chronicles Episode II: Alter Memory

6: Titanium Chronicles Episode IV: Next Generation / Secret Burrough Chronicles Episode III: Dojo of Fates

7: Titanium Chronicles Episode V: The Wrath of Drakos / Secret Burrough Chronicles Episode IV: Shawl of Darkness

8: Titanium Chronicles Episode VI: Clash of Titans

9: Boltman Chronicles Extend: Rebirth Renewal

Anyways all the episodes contain traditional turn based combat, but with a twist. You can attach "scions" to each character to chance their stats and abilities on the fly including powerful Combo Arts and Combo Breakers.

In battle you have 6 options: Attack, Charge, Theron, Item, Special, and Morph. When you use attack you attack one foe with a Basic Attack. After you land your basic attack, you can use various "combo arts" which must recharge after a certain amount of turns. Each art has a unique button combination and are very powerful. Using Combo Arts charges up your special meter which can be charged up to 3 levels.

Charge fully restores all combat arts and heals 25% of your max HP, but uses up a turn. It's useful when you don't have anything else useful to do or you're at low HP and are in need of a come-back.

Theron allows you to expend the special gauge in order to use powerful Theron attacks. Theron Attacks are very weak when in your normal state, but are incredibly strong while using morph. Theron Attacks cannot be chained into combo arts.

Item allows you to select an item from your inventory and use it. Nearly every item is a one-time use.

Special allows you to expend all of your special gauge to use a super-powerful attack. Each Theron has three different special levels, each one growing in power tremendously and each Theron comes with a different element, in turn changing the element of te specials. When a special is used, an orb begins to cycle around the opponent. If another special is used during that battle that is an element either strong against or weak against that element, you trigger an "Dual Burst" with deals massive damage. Then, if you use a special that is strong or weak against either element but is not one of the two elements already used, you trigger a "Triple Burst," doing even more damage.

Finally, Morph allows you to transform into a special form that changes depending on which Theron you have equipped, Attack now changes to "Combo." When using "Combo," you can chain together as many Combo Arts as you want, each raising a damage multiplier once you choose to end the combo with a "combo breaker." However, each time you use a Combo Art, this drains the special gauge. Once the gauge hits zero, you transform back into your base form, so you need to strategize how many combo arts you use before a combo breaker to save for the next turn. Along with that, Theron Arts are much more powerful while transformed, but you are unable to use any specials while transformed, so plan carefully!

Sakura Chronicles

Sakura Chronicles includes a duology of 2D Metroidvania Action RPGs set in a cyberpunk-fantasy setting. The evil EXODUS corporation has taken over the world, and is planning on draining the very life-force of the planet for their own nefarious goals. Play as Sakura, the young resistance leader who summons the power of the dragons of old to transform into Dragoon Knights, powerful elemental warriors and the only force able to stand up to EXODUS and it's diabolical leader, Johannes Crowley.

Explore 8 unique floors of EXODUS's massive tower while collecting new transformations and power-ups in this open-world RPG set in a dark, fantasy/cyberpunk setting. Slash, blast, and dash though over 30 unique areas in order to take down Johhanes and save the world!

Then, once your done, journey into the center of the earth to take down what has become of Johannes once and for all in Sakura Chronicles 2! Explore the deep, winding caverns of the Underdark while meeting with strange creatures and fighting massive, demonic foes in the epic sequel to the modern classic! Use the new and improved M-Gear in order to steal the DNA of monsters and bosses and use their power for your own, allowing you to transform into them to access new areas and find secrets! Will Sakura be able to stop a flood that could end all life on the planet? Find out, in Sakura Chronicles 2!

Generic RPG Quest III: A Realm Reborn

A warrior, thief, wizard, and priest must collect four treasures of the elements, forge the sword of light, defeat the evil Dark Lord, and save the princess. Where have I heard that before?

Generic RPG Quest III: A Realm Reborn is a full remake of the unfinished 2015 RPG Maker game made by yours truly. While it may seem like a simplistic, may I say, GENERIC, NES-style RPG, there is more than meets the surface with this game, without countless mysteries and secrets to find in it's pixelated walls. The true path awaits...