But when I try pkill chromium today, all my chromium sessions are dead dead, no way to refresh, or resume. The only way out is to stop and kill them all. But chromium will not offer me to do restore this way. I.e., I lost everything.

Focus on achieving your goal, not on fixing the specific tool. If you're trying to kill Chromium's tab processes but not the main process, start by comparing their command lines, e.g. using ps -efww or pgrep -alf chromium.

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You'll see that all "child" processes have a parameter like --type=zygote or --type=renderer. Since this directly describes the process' purpose, it will be more reliable than relying on minor differences in the executable name (which has nothing to do it as all Chromium subprocesses are named the same; the fact that "chromium-browser" used to work was just an artifact of Ubuntu's packaging).

You can often times achieve exactly what was requested here by using the - Task Manager in Chrome/Chromium. This gives you an easy way to see which tabs are behaving badly and killing them individually with the End process button.

Being able to kill browser processes seems to be a fundamental requirement of maintaining a stable Linux system. Unfortunately, the methods that work for this seem to be continually evolving. It's a battle of wills, I guess.

pkill is funny. Despite being produced by tab completion, pkill chromium-browser has no effect (just quietly returns an error status). But leave off the trailing r and you're in business. pkill chromium-browse. I'm not sure it does exactly what you want, but at least it does something. I also found that running the command more than once makes a difference.

My case: I browse some news aggregator, Twitter or a page and open some links in other pages for later reading. I noticed that after opening multiple pages scrolling becomes extremely sluggish (at least on some pages) and responsiveness of browser drops so it becomes barely usable.

The joined processes are those that I opened with Ctrl+Click or similar and are the ones whose pages are most sluggish. For example all tabs opened from Twitter are joined (including Twitter itself). I assume that those pages are all running in same process. I could not pinpoint rule for opening joined processes (sometimes Ctrl+Click does this sometimes opposite) - perhaps there's some internal heuristic for this. If I close a browser's window and reopen tabs with Ctrl+Shift+T the pages turn out to be separate and more responsive even after are all loaded.

I have 16GB of RAM so do not really care about memory consumption.My environment is Ubuntu 15.10 (Xubuntu, x64) but I think I've seen this behavior in previous versions. CPU is Intel i5 (2 cores, 4 threads, notebook).

Ubuntu 16.04 is not supported any more, except for Expanded Security Maintenance (ESM) which is vulnerability management and patching for critical, high and medium Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs).

I know it's not supported anymore. :( But there is no point in moving forward with 32b computers. Plus when 18 came out it was a train wreck of bugs. So I stayed at 16.04 and said I'll ride till the end. Some time around the new year I'll have new 64b computers and be up to date again. :) So till then I just kept it going and have not had a problem in a long time until that power went out.

I was watching a video on Odysee when the power went out. When it came back on a few minutes later, Chromium would not start. I can only assume the power going out did it, but really have no clue, and makes no sense to me. Because it never happened before. But I thought it would be wise to say what happened in case it did have something to do with it.

My last ideas:

Do other web browsers (e.g. firefox) work?

You might try installing the snap environment and the snapcraft.io-version of chromium (but I am not sure whether that works on 32bit Ubuntu 16.04)

Wow, that is crazy. I had no clue Chromium never updates. What a way to drop the ball. That info solved my problem. I cloned the hard drive and then tested this. I uninstalled it and then deleted all files with its name and a few other files that were related to it. Then reinstalled the newer version and all is good. It loaded and works.

I've learned to clone and try things on the clone drive so I don't mess up things or lose anything. Plus you can try things with no worry of destroying the info on the original hard drive.

I just have to improve my bookmarks and add the addons I had and all is good.

I was using Firefox as a backup. But my bookmakers are not on that one and Firefox is a bit laggy on video play and is not as sharp-looking. Chromium does hold the lead on video playing in my eyes. That computer is my entertainment. AKA my music and video player. It's connected to my home stereo and the large video screen in the living room.

This morning I just uninstalled chromium, purged it and then uninstalled snapd and purged it and then ran the "hold" setting on snapd. I then tested again by trying to install chromium again and did get the error that snapd was held back, so it didn't install.

So I removed Chromium (and all dependencies) and then reinstalled. No go

Went to troubleshooting and Channels said my Chrome installation was corrupted. I clicked the button to fix. No go

Then I removed Chromium and tried to tune a TVE source. No go

Went to Troubleshooting and clicked the button to fix Chrome. FIXED, TVE works great now

SO after uninstalling Chromium TVE works.

The only thing that I changed on my end was I did an OS upgrade to 22.04.1 from 20.04 but TVE worked great for a week after that. I guess I am a bit confused here. @tmm1 do we need to not manually install Chromium anymore and just let Channels do it?

Channels will install chromium if not found on the system. Generally the system version is preferred, but seems like snap is not working reliably anymore. In the past the bundled chrome didn't work on Ubuntu so the system snap was required.

I ask because I'm using Ubuntu server, and I can get my YouTube TV login to work with TVE using the latest version of Chromium. However it only works until snapd updates or I reboot, then I get the snapd errors.

I can remove snapd and mark it on hold, which breaks the Chromium package that I installed, so I uninstall it too. Channels then installs a version of Chromium that works without snapd which is awesome- but YouTube TV doesn't work with it, giving this error-

" Connection Lost- Blocked by Google: This browser or app may not be secure"

if i open an xterm and type in chromium-browser --disable-pinch chrome will launch.

if i then go on to set the flag in chrome://flags/#enable-pinch to disable i can launch chromium from inside the xterm without the switch.

i found what it was


has a variable want_touch_pinch set to 1 by default. this was triggering the adding of the --enable-pinch

no matter what you set anywhere else, it was being added by this script and over-rides the disable flag

Hi wolfman,

As I said in the thread the problem is with chromium 49 for armhf architecture (not usual PC like x86 or amd64).

It is the same problem both raspberry pi or odrid which have same armhf architecture.

The problem appears with version 49, chromium works in version 48.

A bug report was open on launchpad. We must wait canonical to fix it.

You can revert to version 48, look my post in this thread until.

I have been through the site and have come across several links to this effect, but they all seem to be installing the Chromium Browser from the official Canonical PPA (ppa:canonical-chromium-builds/stage)

From my understanding, the DBX runtime 10.4 is based on Ubuntu 20.04 - focal for which builds do not seem to be available in that PPA. Maybe because Ubuntu moved from official deb to installing Chromium as a snap ?

Would be really nice if Databricks can provide a recommended way to handle this, since this is a very common use case and there are so many such questions around this topic in our community forums itself...

Also regarding the other browsers, since we are using databricks, requirement is limited to linux and open source browsers only. I hear that not many websites are tested with firefox, hence a little hesitant there...

But I have been told that google-chrome is proprietary and chromium-browser is open source. Usage of proprietary software in code might cause license issues or some other issues such as telemetry etc. right ? Hence I was looking for some way we could use the open source version i.e. Chromium on which chrome is based on.

Is there a databricks hosted repository available for such use cases or does selenium work with the snap version of chromium-browser ? I hope I am not the only DBX user using DBX runtime 10.4 and trying to use chromium-browser...

I have also gone through the other options of installing Chromium without a snap. But we are finding the options either too complex or not from an official source. I found the following options from the link you had shared. Which option would Databricks recommend ?

Option 3 should be good but as there is a doubt with the licensing then I would not take a risk. If you want to go with this option then do all possible research w.r.t the license part and then go for it.

Hope all is well! Just wanted to check in if you were able to resolve your issue and would you be happy to share the solution or mark an answer as best? Else please let us know if you need more help.

You can install the Chromium web browser through the apt repository on Ubuntu. By default, the Chromium web browser package does not exist in the apt official repository. However, the apt package manager installs the Chromium web browser using the Snap package manager which contains the Chromium package. Check the following steps to install the Chromium web browser via the apt repository. 152ee80cbc

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