Children's Formation

Welcome to Children's Faith Formation

CTK CFF has moved online for the Spring Semester in an effort to be proactive in keeping our children, families, and catechists as healthy and safe as possible. We are still 100% committed to helping children learn the teachings of the Catholic Faith while helping them both build a relationship with Christ and realize that they are enough to change the world and be REVOLUTIONARY! The appropriate grade level links below will lead each family to a Gospel lesson, activities, and even some music to get families up and moving for Christ!

That's a Wrap!!

Thank you all for an amazing year! Normally we would be celebrating and partying together, but since we are not able to this year, everyone's assignment for this last week of class is to watch the video below and then throw an end of CFF year party with your family!! Send me pictures of this last assignment because I want to see you all dancing, eating, and partying together! Have an AMAZING Summer and I hope to see everyone LIVE and IN PERSON at Bible Fest on June 20-23rd!!!

CFF 2021-2022.MOV