Christopher Lee Buffalo New York

Christopher Lee, originally from Buffalo, New York, is a certified personal trainer. Mr. Lee helps his clients build muscle and improve their overall fitness. Christopher supports his clients as they revamp their health and fitness routines, increase their metabolism, and get stronger. His exercise programs and training sessions are designed to help clients build strength, athleticism, and agility so clients can enjoy the activities and sports they love pain-free.

Mr. Lee earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science with an Emphasis in Sports Performance from University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. Christopher Lee’s passion for living a healthy and active lifestyle has led Mr. Lee to educate his clients about the importance of regular exercise and science-based nutrition fundamentals.

When he is not supporting his clients to become more physically fit, Christopher Lee can be found spending time with his friends and family in Buffalo.

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Christopher Lee Buffalo New York

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A Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness Meditation

The Future of Home Workout Applications

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