Christopher Sullivan
Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Published Papers
with Marco Duarte, Lorenzo Magnolfi, and Mikkel Sølvsten2024, Quantitative Economics, 15(3): 571-606 -- preprint"Product Repositioning by Merging Firms"
with Enghin Atalay, Alan Sorensen, and Wanjia Zhu2024, Journal of Industrial Economics, 72(2): 868-908 -- preprint"The Rise of Urgent Care Centers: Implications for Competition and Access to Health Care"
with Lorenzo Magnolfi, Corina Mommaerts, and Natalia Serna2024, Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, 2(2): 201-243 -- preprint"Differentiated-Products Cournot Attributes Higher Markups Than Bertrand-Nash"
with Lorenzo Magnolfi, Dan Quint, and Sarah Waldfogel2022, Economics Letters, 219: 110804 -- preprint"A Comparison of Testing and Estimation of Firm Conduct"
with Lorenzo Magnolfi2022, Economics Letters, 212: 110316 -- preprint"Split Apart: Differentiation, Diversion, and Coordination in the Market for Superpremium Ice Cream"
2020, AEA Papers and Proceedings 110: 573-578.Working Papers
with Enghin Atalay, Erika Frost, Alan Sorensen, and Wanjia ZhuRevise and resubmit, Journal of Political Economy"The Ice Cream Split: Empirically Distinguishing Price and Product Space Collusion"
Revise and resubmit, RAND Journal of EconomicsFeatured by NPR's Planet Money podcast in the episode "The Ice Cream Conspiracy""Learning Firm Conduct: Pass-Through as a Foundation for Instrument Relevance"
with Adam Dearing, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Dan Quint, and Sarah Waldfogelsubmitted, NBER working paper #32863"Multi-homing Policies and Collusion: Unintended Consequences for Digital Platforms"with John Higgins, Lorenzo Magnolfi, and Dan Quintsubmitted
"Falsifying Models of Firm Conduct"with Lorenzo Magnolfi, Dan Quint, and Sarah Waldfogelpermanent working paper, supplanted by "Learning Firm Conduct"
SELECTED Work in Progress
Testing Firm Conduct with Non-Constant Marginal Costs (slides)with Marco Duarte, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Dan Quint, and Mikkel Sølvsten
Predictive Tools for Merger Simulation (slides)
with Harold Chiang, Jack Collison, and Lorenzo MagnolfiMeasuring Competition with a Flexible Supply Model
with Ying Fan and Carolina TojalSoftware packages
pyRVtest: A Python package for testing firm conduct.
with Marco Duarte, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Mikkel Sølvsten, and Anya TarascinaCourses Taught
Econ 100: Economics for Non-Majors (Fall 2017 - 2021, 2023 - 2024)
Econ 690: Machine Learning - MA level (Fall 2018 - 2022, 2024)
Econ 762: Empirical IO - PhD level (Spring 2018 - 2022, Fall 2023)
Contact Information
6458 Social Sciences Building
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1393