Christopher Sullivan

Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Wisconsin - Madison 

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  My research interests are in the field of industrial organization. 

You can find my CV here and my Research Statement here

SELECTED Work in Progress

Testing Firm Conduct with Non-Constant Marginal Costs (slides)with Marco Duarte, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Dan Quint, and Mikkel Sølvsten

Predictive Tools for Merger Simulation (slides)

with Harold Chiang, Jack Collison, and Lorenzo Magnolfi

Measuring Competition with a Flexible Supply Model

with Ying Fan and Carolina Tojal

Courses Taught

Econ 100: Economics for Non-Majors (Fall 2017 - 2021, 2023 - 2024)

Econ 690: Machine Learning - MA level (Fall 2018 - 2022, 2024)

Econ 762: Empirical IO - PhD level (Spring 2018 - 2022, Fall 2023)

Contact Information

6458 Social Sciences Building

1180 Observatory Drive

Madison, WI 53706-1393
