
Trails bring me ideas

From a professional standpoint, running unlocks creativity and collaboration. An hour out running lets my mind wander to creative solutions that would elude me at my desk. Conversations with running buddies have revealed areas of shared interest and opportunities to work together. In short, it's time well spent.

Mountains bring me joy

Two things consistently make me throw my arms up and shout "WOW!"
1) new data that support my hypothesis
2) alpine views

Races bring me focus

I am proud of my personal records because each time represents hours of training, months of dedication, and a daily focus on self-improvement. Since January 2022, I have been coached by David Roche as part of the Some-Work-All-Play (SWAP) running team.

Personal Records (year run)
1600 m - 4:29.10 (2012)
3200 m - 9:33.88 (2012)
5k - 15:59 (2022)
13.1 mi - 1 hr 18 min (2021)
26.2 mi - 2 hr 43 min (2019)
50 mi - 9 hr 54 min (2020)

But more importantly, running is a win-win kind of sport. Every finisher can feel like a champion by meeting or exceeding a personal goal, regardless of the final ranking. My competitive drive comes not from a desire to be the best, but rather a positive-feedback loop wherein we can all push each other to do our best! Woohoo!