Warrington College of Business | Stuzin Hall 303H | 1384 Union Road | Gainesville, FL 32611
Christopher M. James
William H. Dial/SunTrust Eminent Scholar Chair
Warrington College of Business
University of Florida
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1978
MBA, University of Michigan, 1977
BA, Michigan State University, 1973
Financial Institutions
Corporate Finance
Christopher M. James is the William H. Dial/SunTrust Eminent Scholar in Finance and Economics at the University of Florida. Professor James is also a senior advisor to Cornerstone Research. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Florida, he taught at the University of Michigan and the University of Oregon. He received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan in 1978 and an MBA in Finance from the University of Michigan in 1977.
His research has been published extensively in academic and professional journals in the areas of banking, corporate finance and applied econometrics. He has served as an editor or associate editor of several journals, including, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Journal of Financial Services Research. Professor James’s current research focuses on the role of financial intermediaries in the corporate capital acquisition process and on the valuation of mortgage backed securities.
Materials provided are for Educational Use Only. All articles are the sole copyright of their respective publishers. Why are commercial loan rates so sticky? The effect of private information on loan spreads
Journal of Financial Economics., February, 2022 (with C. Demiroglu and G. Velioglu)
Time is money: Real effects of relationship lending in a crisis
Journal of Banking & Finance, December, 2021 (with J. Lu and Y. Sun)
I Can See Clearly Now: The Impact of Disclosure Requirements on 401(k) fees
Journal of Financial Economics, May, 2020 (with D.C. Badoer and C. Costello)
Priority Spreading of Corporate Debt
Review of Financial Studies, January, 2020 (with D.C. Badoer and E. Dudley)
Ratings Quality and Borrowing Choice
Journal of Finance, October, 2019 (with D.C. Badoer and C. Demiroglu)
Capital Structure Changes Around IPOs
Critical Finance Review, March, 2018 (with E. Dudley)
Indicators of Collateral Misreporting
Management Science, December, 2016 (with C. Demiroglu)
The Determinants of Long-Term Corporate Debt Issuances
Journal of Finance, February, 2016 (with D.C. Badoer)
Bank Loans and Troubled Debt Restructurings
Journal of Financial Economics, October, 2015 (with C. Demiroglu)
State Foreclosure Laws and the Incidence of Mortgage Default
Journal of Law and Economics, February, 2014 (with C. Demiroglu and E. Dudley)
Asset Specificity, Industry Driven Recovery Risk and Loan Pricing
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, October, 2014 (with A. Kizilaslan)
Review of Financial Studies, November, 2012 (with C. Demiroglu)
Bank Lending Standards and Access to Lines of Credit
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, September, 2012 (with C. Demiroglu and A. Kizilaslan)
Journal of Banking and Finance, April, 2011 (with C. Demiroglu)
The Information Content of Bank Loan Covenants
Review of Financial Studies, October, 2010 (with C. Demiroglu)
The Role of Private Equity Group Reputation in LBO Financing
Journal of Financial Economics, May, 2010 (with C. Demiroglu)
Banks and Bubbles: How Good are Bankers at Spotting Winners?
Journal of Financial Economics, October, 2007 (with L. Gonzalez)
Strength of Analyst Coverage Following IPOs
Journal of Financial Economics, October, 2006 (with J. Karceski)
Investor Monitoring and Differences in Mutual Fund Performance
Journal of Banking and Finance, October, 2006 (with J. Karceski)
What a Difference a Month Makes: Stock Analyst Valuations Following Initial Public Offerings
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, March, 2006 (with J. Karceski and J. Houston)
Do Banks Provide Financial Slack?
Journal of Finance, June, 2002 (with C. Hadlock)
Do Relationships Have Limits? Banking Relationships, Financial Constraints and Investment
Journal of Business, July, 2001 (with J. Houston)
Where Do Merger Gains Come From? Bank Mergers From the Perspective of Insiders and Outsiders
Journal of Financial Economics, May, 2001 (with J. Houston and M. Ryngaert)
Do Bank Internal Capital Markets Promote Lending?
Journal of Banking and Finance, November, 1998 (with J. Houston)
Capital Market Frictions and the Role of Internal Capital Markets in Banking
Journal of Financial Economics, November, 1997 (with J. Houston and D. Marcus)
Bank Information Monopolies and the Mix of Private and Public Debt Claims
Journal of Finance, December, 1996 (with J. Houston)
Bank Debt Restructurings and the Composition of Exchange Offers in Financial Distress
Journal of Finance, June, 1996
Journal of Monetary Economics, November, 1995 (with J. Houston)
When Do Banks Take Equity in Debt Restructurings?
Review of Financial Studies, Winter, 1995
Asset Sales by Financially Distress Firms
Journal of Corporate Finance, April, 1994 (with D. Brown and R.M. Mooradian)
The Information Content of Distressed Restructurings involving Public and Private Debt Claims
Journal of Financial Economics, February, 1993 (with D. Brown and B. Mooradian)
Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1993 (with J. Houston)
Relationship-Specific Assets and the Pricing of Underwriter Services
Journal of Finance, December, 1992
The Losses Realized in Bank Failures
Journal of Finance, September, 1991
Borrowing Relationships, Intermediation and the Cost of Issuing Public Securities
Journal of Financial Economics, November, 1990 (with P. Wier)
Heterogeneous Creditors and the Market Value of Bank LDC Loan Portfolios
Journal of Monetary Economics, December, 1990
Empirical Evidence on Implicit Guarantees of Bank Foreign Loan Exposure
Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, April, 1989
The Use of Loan Sales and Standby Letters of Credits by Commercial Banks
Journal of Monetary Economics, November, 1988
Some Evidence on the Uniqueness of Bank Loans
Journal of Financial Economics, December, 1987
An Analysis of FDIC Failed Bank Auctions
Journal of Monetary Economics, July, 1987 (with P. Wier)
Returns to Acquirers and Competition in the Acquisition Market: The Case of Banking
Journal of Political Economy, April, 1987 (with P. Wier)
The Takeover Market, Corporate Board Composition, and Ownership Structure: The Case of Banking
Journal of Law and Economics, April, 1987 (with J. Brickley)
Access to Deposit Insurance, Insolvency Rules and the Stock Returns of Financial Institutions
Journal of Financial Economics, July, 1986 (with J. Brickley)
A VARMA Analysis of the Causal Relations Among Stock Returns, Real Output and Nominal Interest Rates
Journal of Finance, Dec, 1985 (with S. Koreisha and M. Partch)
Market Evidence on the Effective Maturity of Bank Assets and Liabilities
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, November, 1984 (with M.J. Flannery)
Presented at the American Finance Association meetings in San Francisco, December, 1983.
The Effect of Interest Rate Changes on the Common Stock Returns of Financial Institutions
Journal of Finance, September, 1984 (with M.J. Flannery)
Journal of Law and Economics, April, 1984
Abstracted in Regulation as “Do Corporate Takeovers Keep Managements Lean?” May/June, 1984.
Regulation and the Determination of Bank Capital Changes: A Note
Journal of Finance, December, 1983 (with J.K. Dietrich)
The Relation Between Common Stocks Returns, Trading Activity and Market Value
Journal of Finance, September, 1983 (with R.O. Edmister)
Is Illiquidity a Bar to Buying Small Cap Stocks?
Journal of Portfolio Management, Summer, 1983 (with R.O. Edmister)
Journal of Monetary Economics, August, 1983
Pricing Alternatives for Loan Commitments: A Note
Journal of Bank Research, Winter, 1983
An Analysis of the Impact of Deposit Rate Ceilings on the Market Values of Thrift Institutions
Journal of Finance, December, 1982 (with L.Y. Dann)
An Analysis of Bank Loan Rate Indexation
Journal of Finance, June, 1982
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, December, 1981
The Technology of Risk and Return: Comment
American Economic Review, June, 1981