Christmas Microeconomic Theory Conference

in Bonn



Thursday, December 14, 2023 

18:30 Informal dinner at Restaurant The Protea  (by invitation)

Friday, December 15, 2023 

9:10-9:15    Welcome

9:15-10:00     Inés Moreno de Barreda (University of Oxford): "Socially Efficient Approval Mechanisms with Signalling Costs" (with Evgenii Safonov)

10:00-10:30  Coffee break

10:30-11:15      Gilat Levy (London School of Economics): "Research Waves" (with Maria Giovanna Baccara and Ronny Razin)

11:25-12:10     Julia Salmi (University of Copenhagen): "Private Information about the Game Horizon"

12:10-13:50     Lunch at the conference venue

13:50-14:35      Adrien Henri Vigier (University of Nottingham): "Market Segmentation and Product Steering" (with Stefan Terstiege)

14:35-15:05    Coffee break

15:05-15:50     Ellen Muir (Harvard University): "Optimal Hotelling Auctions" (with Simon Loertscher)

16:00-16:45   Albin Erlanson (University of Essex): "Project selection with partial observability of types and limited penalties" (with Debasis Mishra) 

17:00-18:30   Visit to the Christmas market

19:00-21:30   Dinner at the conference venue (by invitation)

Saturday, December 16, 2023

8:50-9:35       Marek Pycia (University of Zürich):  "Information Choice: Cost over Content" (with Kristof Madarasz)

9:45-10:30       UPDATE: Franz Ostrizek (Sciences Po): "Vague by Design: Performance Evaluation and Learning from Wages"

10:30-11:00     Coffee break

11:00-11:45     Nikita Roketskiy (University College London): "Manipulative Consumers" (with Michael Richter)

11:55-12:40     Anna Sanktjohanser (Toulouse School of Economics): "Dynamic Screening: Why Weight Isn’t Volume" (with Johannes Hörner)

12:40-14:00    Lunch at the conference venue
