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I searched for Christmas music around the holidays and we streamed a LOT of Christmas music the entire month of December. But now my Discover Weekly is filled with holiday music. STILL in February. Spotify needs to add to their Discover algorithm that holiday music isn't added at all, or that it gets removed from the algorithm after, say, January 1st. I don't want to have to keep clicking SKIP or fighting with Christmas music all the way into February. It makes me not want to use Spotify for holiday specific music.

Christmas Music

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We understand where you're coming from and appreciate you taking the time to share your comments with us. Since these song recommendations are based on your listening history and can't be edited, we'd suggest that you continue listening to more of your favorite music in order to get better recommendations.

I searched for help with this also. I absolutely HATE the fact that I "liked" some Christmas albums in Drc and now STILL have Christmas songs playing. Shouldn't have to go through and remove manually from Playlists.

This is absolutely frustrating. Could you for example label songs as Christmas/non-Christmas and then let people decide when they want to listen to or see these songs in recommendations. Shouldn't be impossible to code.

Hey Spotify!! Are you guys gonna do anything about this??! Seems like I'm not the only one frustrated by this!! And I'm STILL getting served up Christmas music in my mixes and it's MARCH!!!! Seriously - you really need to figure this one out - it just can't be that hard.

I have been complaining about this every year. My Discover Weekly list is honestly the only reason I started paying for a subscription. This year I specifically asked @SpotifyCares on X how to prevent this from happening again. They gave the same advice - to open a private session. I used private session every single time I played Christmas music in December and my DW list has been filled with nothing (really, literally nothing) but Christmas music. So...private session does NOT work. The irony is that I have actually TRIED to influence my DW list and it was a bust.

Hi @Terrencemays Sounds like the station may have been either seeded with holiday content or a holiday song may have been thumbed up. I would recommend editing the station and removing any content that doesn't fit.

A variety of Christmas tracks, starting about 2 weeks ago. Bing Crosby, the Peanuts Christmas album, all stuff that is on the Christmas radio station. And if I hear the Nutcracker Suite one more time, I may uninstall Pandora. It plays about every 3rd or 4th song. Amazingly, since I commented half an hour ago, no Christmas music!!

No I haven't punched thumbs down, just skip. After Thanksgiving, I do listen to a couple of Christmas stations on Pandora, so I don't want to eliminate those Christmas songs that are popping up on Boz Skaggs, in case it crosses over. Which is what is obviously happening, since I regularly get jazz mixed in with Boz Skaggs.

It's February and I am still getting random Christmas music. I use Shuffle so I don't know what station is responsible. I didn't mind some Christmas music in the season but it is ridiculous for it to still be happening. I never selected any Christmas music. I don't do thumbs down because I enjoy it in November and December. I think that the algorithm is screwed up.

I don't know how to stop Christmas songs from being played on my iphone. I have no downladed Christmas music but everytime I listen to an artist a Christmas song is played right after it.Help this is so annoying:(

I have the exact same problem. I have logged out of everything, changed passwords repeatedly, and even deleted all Christmas music playlists...still, I get one song from my chosen playlist (doesn't matter if it's my playlist or a Spotify playlist) then the next song - and every song after - is Christmas.

You have to log in to your Spotify account and clear your queue. The queue button is at the bottom of the Spotify screen...rightish side. If you have a queue list there should be a Clear button. Click it.

I agree. I can't figure out how to dislike a song so I have go to Spotify and skip every time a Christmas song queues up, which is often I'm looking for alternatives to Spotify as this is super annoying.

About a month ago, Christmas music started showing up on my shuffle stations mode. I have two Christmas stations which are NOT included in my shuffle. Can't find any song that was thumbed up that should cause this, although scrolling through over 1000 thumbed up songs is imprecise at best.

When listening to Shuffle, you can view which station a particular song is from by scrolling to the bottom of the Now Playing screen. A banner will appear at the top of the window.It should say "[Station_Name] Radio," and then the name of the track.

From Halloween to Thanksgiving, all you wanted to play for me was Christmas music. I kept skipping it because I don't want Christmas music in autumn. Since Advent, you've probably been giving me Christmas music for about 1 in 50 songs. Do you realize the official liturgical Christmas season is from Advent (4 Sundays before Christmas) through Epiphany (January 6)? It is not Halloween through Thanksgiving. 

The past few years I could uncheck the non-Christmas stations, but this year the box says I have to delete them if I don't want them to play. I like music by a lot of different artists, and I don't want to be boxed into one type of Christmas music on an individual station. I want a Christmas shuffle.

This is so frustrating. 

In the past, I would just unclick a station and it wouldn't play when in shuffle mode. This year after Christmas if I put it is shuffle mode, it is still playing Christmas songs. How can I get that to stop?

@emilyeasley850 You may have accidentally added a Holiday-themed artist or song seed on that station, or Thumbed up a Holiday-themed song. This can happen when adding variety to your stations and accidentally selecting the Holiday seed of an artist. To prevent this, avoid adding seeds with the "(Holiday)" suffix after the artists' name.I looked at your Dirt Road Anthem Radio station and found that you have added an errant seed, Meghan Trainor (Holiday), to that station. That's why you're hearing tracks that don't fit.

I have a few Christmas stations I like to listen to during the holidays. I de-select them after Christmas. Suddenly Pandora is playing all my de-selected stations on the Shuffle. I really don't want to hear Christmas music in February.

Sorry I didn't see this in time. After the Christmas season ended, you went back to playing Christmas songs frequently in my shuffle. If you look at my stations, I do not have them checked to even be in my shuffle, but they keep getting played. Some music really is seasonal, I like to enjoy Christmas music - pretty exclusively - from the first Sunday of Advent through Epiphany. I don't like to have Christmas music, and a lot of it, all year round and almost none of it during the Christmas season. That's just irritating.

So now I have to completely remove the Christmas stations when it's not Christmas and then find them and reinstall them and remove the non-Christmas stations when it is Christmas? I'm sorry, but it was not like this for the first 7 years or so I had Pandora, and this is not acceptable.

First of all, I will admit that I love Christmas music as much as anyone else. But as awesome as the Christmas season is, I am in no hurry for it to get here. Christmas is a crazy time of year when people are scrambling to make plans and buy presents for their loved ones. This puts a strain (mental, physical and financial) on people during the month of December. Being reminded of this strain too early could cause people to stress out about the holidays more than they already do. Christmas is an awesome time of year but with the stress that it causes, one should not start celebrating too early.

A big reason why I am not a fan of Christmas music being played early is the fact that some people are playing it before Thanksgiving even happens. I understand that after Halloween, Christmas is the next big thing to decorate for but people are overlooking Thanksgiving in the process. Thanksgiving is one of the most valuable holidays of the year and should not be passed over so easy. During Thanksgiving, people enjoy having family and friends over for dinner and give thanks for all that is going on in their lives. By playing music for the Christmas before this holiday is even over, the importance of Thanksgiving is overlooked and people are just trying to breeze through to Christmas without even considering the reason why Thanksgiving is celebrated. We should remember to give thanks on Thanksgiving and not rush so far ahead on the calendar.

The main point I am trying to make is that if you start playing the music for Christmas too early, it greatly takes away a lot of the hype that Christmas is supposed to have. Christmas is about celebrating good times while spending time with family and friends, dancing around to Christmas music and just being thankful for the year you have had. Starting the festivities too early can lead to the hype of Christmas being lost before the holiday even gets here. The music is happy, catchy, meaningful and enjoyable. Playing it too early can cause these feelings to be lost and when the holiday gets here, you care less. 152ee80cbc

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