Healthier Today, 

Happier Tomorrow!

Specos Enterprises, LLC Transformation Testimonials

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Learn all about Christina and her clients' experiences below!

The Specos Enterprises, LLC online lifestyle transformation coaching vision is simple....

To empower others with the knowledge, experience and support, to truly tap into their healthiest, happiest and best selves! 

Here's the deal...

Most people are only living at 50-60% of their true capacity and potential. Many have failed and failed and gotten discouraged, rather than being tenacious, relentless and strong-willed to find a better way to reach their goals.  It is because they don't really truly get honest and deeply connect to their "why." 

Those who do not truly understand why they want what they want can tend to lose faith in the process and give up when it gets "hard" even though they may be, as they say, "three feet from gold" and just need to keep swinging!

Christina helps her clients whom are otherwise "lost" in their fitness and wellness and lifestyle journey to find the deep "why" that keeps them dedicated and committed to the process, long before "motivation" fails them.

Motivation comes and goes. Discipline carries us through.  Christina's clients learn to establish that discipline through a simplified process of what it takes to change their lives, their body composition, their strength levels, their confidence - you name it.

Her clients are amazing high performers.  They have successful careers, beautiful families, and big dreams.

In fact, Christina was the same way.  A former college strength and conditioning coach, published researcher, fitness professional for 20 years, and professional women's physique bodybuilding competitor... even she has many coaches and mentors to continue to make her better and hold her accountable to be able to reach higher levels of elite fitness, business, finances, mindset and manifestation of abundance.

It's hard for some to comprehend that a highly educated and motivated elite level coach would need accountability...but it is honestly how the best continue to become better.

You owe it to yourself to invest in yourself and believe in yourself to rise and thrive!

Check out below what her clients have to say about their experience.

Client Testimonial Videos

ONLINE TRAINING&NUTRITION CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: Jenny Culbertson, Washington State Based Nurse/Athlete

ONLINE TRAINING & NUTRITION CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: Dyan Zbikowski, NJ Based Teacher/Coach/Powerlifter

MASSAGE CLIENT TESTIMONIAL: Paola Rodriguez, Miami Based Psychotherapist/Sex Therapist

Raymell Bentley, Los Angeles Based Mind & Body Transformation Coach and Model

Ashley Evans, Professional International & Team USA Volleyball Player and Champion

Angela M. Taylor-Carter, Baltimore-Based Real Estate Professional &Entrepreneur

Jenna Moore, Mississippi-Based Registered Dietitian, Wife and Mother

Chach Silva, Orange, CA-Based Cyclical Keto Health Coach and Husband

Hans Samayoa, Germany-Based founder of @YES.ketogenic Body Mastery

Shereese Carlisle, SF Bay Area Author, Speaker, Spiritual Healing & Nutrition Coach


Rebecca C .

Mattie Conklin, Wife, Mom of 2, Entrepreneur, @QueenKetoMom

COUPLES EXPERIENCE: Erica (PE Teacher) and John (Military)


Deborah P

MINDSET is the KEY: Robin Briddon

Challenge Experience Videos

7 Day Challenge Experience: Ann Riley, Entrepreneur and Digital Marketer

7 Day Challenge Experience: Shereese Haulcy, Entrepreneur and Digital Marketer

40 Day Challenge Experience: - Sara Varughese, Multiple Business Owner

Written Testimonials

"Hi! My name is Samantha Ostarello, I’m 27 years old and I’m from Montana. 

Before I began training with Coach Specos, I was REALLY struggling with gaining and maintaining muscle. It was weird because I was good at becoming lean, athletic and quick, but when it came to muscle mass, I was stumped and could not make progress. I wasn't becoming the basketball player I knew I could be if I had a better profile and I even suffered some injuries that were due to poor functional muscle, and I knew if I didn’t make a change soon, not only would my career suffer, but long term, my body would not be in good physical condition as I got older. So I tried increasing my protein intake and looking for fast ways to bulk on the internet, but that didn’t work. Then I tried increasing volume in my trainings and even though that helped a little, I still wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. It wasn’t until I began working with Coach Specos that I realized what my real problem was, which was lack of anatomical knowledge and biomechanics. But due to all my failures and being burned before, I came really close to NOT working with Spec because of fearing she wouldn't really understand my drive and desire to be the best and also because it is scary diving all in with someone else when it comes to changing your body. But I decided to take a chance and work with Coach Specos and I’m SO happy I did. Not only is she exceptionally knowledgeable in her field, she also is one of the greatest motivators and mentors I have ever met. She has become one of my closest confidants and friends. 

Thanks to her relentless commitment to her clients, I am a top professional basketball player in Europe with a body that isn't riddled with aches and pains I was so accustomed to living with. I have been working with Coach Specos for nearly 10 years and I know that my accomplishments would not have been entirely possible without her help. Her mentorship in the weight room, in the kitchen, and in everyday life will continue to help me lead a healthy life with a functionally, beautiful body and mind. It’s the best decision I ever made, I would pay TEN times the price in money, sweat, and tears to do it over again and be 100% committed from the very beginning. So if you’re on the fence with on working with Coach Specos, put your reservations aside, buckle down and dive head first. It will change your life."

Ashley E.

Pro Athlete Performance Plan!

“Christina Specos is one-of-a-kind. Not only is she a coach, but she is a remarkable friend and life-mentor who strives to make those around her better as individuals in and out of the gym. Having been trained by Christina for 5 years as a Division 1 volleyball athlete, I can’t describe the positive impact she has had on my life as a person first, and an athlete second. Her training style, knowledge and passion for her athletes allowed me and my fellow teammates to achieve milestones on and off of the court that I never thought possible. She is so much more than a coach as she connects with athletes and clients on a personal level and truly cares about everyone’s overall wellbeing. Christina is ambitious, sincere, and committed, three qualities that make her one of the best.”

Alisha C.

A Mom of 2's 12 Week Prep to Stage!

"For vanity's sake, I can honestly tell you that I never (EVER) intended to post these publicly. And then my coach sent me a text and told me I was a badass and she has been so inspirational and so supportive and I thought, "F it. If I can do this, so can anyone else. And maybe they will feel a push from this too." You should know that there is only a 5-pound difference between these photos. I was "skinny fat." I wore a 2-4 and I weighed 125 when we started last January. I currently wear a 0 and weigh 120. I trained for 12 weeks and I felt pretty good about walking on that stage in April. This November I will compete again and having 6 months to destroy and rebuild this body feels INCREDIBLE. If you want a change, MAKE A CHANGE. It's that simple... and it's that hard."

Jenna M.

A Registered Dietitian Learns a New Way to Eat Carb Cycling

"It was an AWESOME experience!  I just hate that I couldn't participate more with her.  Christina helped me with the accountability that I needed.  She also helped me develop an eating plan that worked out well for me in getting my jump start on better eating. The nutrition aspect of her coaching worked very well for me since I had the training aspect taken care of.  The meals and recipes got me started on a way of eating that I was having difficulty with actually considering before we met. Best of all, Christina and I have an EXCELLENT relationship.  We've come to respect each other's expertise and encouragement provided to one another."

Client Wins

Vanesa W.

Incredible Aug - Jan!

"Christina was amazing in the short time I worked with her. I trusted in her and ate MORE to get results! She provided great feedback and meal examples and really got the ball rolling with me with the correct diet. I look forward to being able to utilize her expertise again in the near future."

Alisha, Show Day

"I cannot say it enough, this girl, @christinaspecos is hands down, the BEST thing that ever happened to my body and my mental state...becoming so much more than a coach. I know I've said it already, but I wouldn't and couldn't have done this without you! I'm SO GLAD you've agreed to help me take this further!!!!"

Rebeca B.

Just 2 weeks!

"When I met Christina, I struggled with nutrition and my relationship with food. I really enjoyed my time. Christina is a great woman! She is very insightful and very professional as well. She helped me learn some of the ways of eating and I am now more aware of what I eat."

Jo G.

4 weeks in!

Vanessa W.

8lbs down!

Chelsea B.

In progress!

Kenishia P.


"I have loved every minute of coaching with Christina. I use to be a fad hopper, jumping from Keto, to IF, to completely cutting things out like carbs, sugars etc. They never lasted long at all and I never lost the weight that I wanted. Since I have been working with Christina I am down 8lbs and my clothes fit so much better. The thing of it is is that if I had been as dedicated to the process as I should have been there would have been WAYYY more progress. But that is on me. She gave me the tools that I need to keep this progress going. She also held me accountable for any choice that I made whether it was my diet, or my workouts. I absolutely love working with her she is so motivating... When this move is over I hope to work with her again.... Maybe one day I will think about prepping for a show!!!!! Maybe one day lol. My diet was ALWAYS the thing that gets me. But I have a better hold of my eating habits now. I learned to have a healthier relationship with food and to not Sabotage my whole day because of one meal."

Client and Athlete Comments and Check Ins

Erica B.

Power Couple After 4 days!

John B.

Just 1 week in!

Notable Collegiate and Pro Athlete 

Client History

Trent Cole

NFL - Philadelphia Eagles

Brian Westbrook

NFL - Philadelphia Eagles

Troy Vincent

NFL - Philadelphia Eagles

Leonard Weaver

NFL - Philadelphia Eagles

Ellis Hobbs

NFL - Philadelphia Eagles

Sherridan Atkinson

Danielle Cuttino

Team USA

Annie Drews

Team USA

Men OR Women - [CLICK HERE] to book a complimentary strategy call and chat with Christina to see if it's a fit to work together.

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