
of Behavioural Design Elements

A novel tool that helps designers to orient among almost 100 Behavioural Design Elements:

Use the tool here:

Please pay attention to the credit note: The Systematics are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to use this tool, however, you are obliged to refer to this work and its website, and, if you use it in publications, to cite my paper as follows:

Timko, C. (2023). Governance von und durch Verhaltensdesign. In G. Mau, M. Schuhen, M. Froitzheim (Eds.), Verbraucherforschung zwischen Empowerment und Verletztlichkeit (pp. 9-28.). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

Navigate through overarching and nether categories:

How it works for one specific element, for example Narratives: