
Hi all! My name is Christian and I am a movie collector. I have always loved watching movies and decided that I should start collecting and talking about them! I have 5 pages right now dedicated to my habits. The first one is called "Reviews" in which I review movies that really stuck out to me. The second page is "100 Movie Challenge" in which I make it my goal to watch 100, or more, movies in one year. The next page is "My Film Collection" which is a list of all the movies and TV shows that I have on physical media. The next to final page is the George Romero course that I am taking in which we watch mostly all of his films and talk about them. The next to final page is the "Contact Me" page where you can submit a form with a question, a reaction to something I posted, or just a general comment you have on the website.The final page is actually a project that I did for one of my classes called "Strong Capstone" in which I studied what made people collect films.