Christian Psychology


To establish a counselling service making full use of the resources available to a practitioner  -  secular, spiritual and Christian.

The following web site is a starting point to:

Geoff's big anchoring thought

Fully integrating ones own values with a chosen therapy will be the Christian therapists goal. To hold and use a therapy or proposition that is not aligned with ones world view by its very nature will weaken the therapists conviction of what is best for the client. 

This will dilute the therapists passion and commitment to solutions for the client who will be seeking congruence in their life. 

Team members

Geoff Miles - team lead
Harvey Rough - facilitator 

Books, papers, studies

Wanda Skowranska:

 - Paul Vitz Psychological Mythbuster 

Paul Vitz:

 - Psychology as Religion

M Scott Peck:
  -   The Road Less Travelled
  -   People of the Lie
  -   Glimpses of the Devil

Christian Psychology:

 - Houston Baptist University

Gerard Corey: 

- Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy

L. Stanton Jones and Richard Butman:

 - Modern Psychtherapies a Comprehensive Christian Appraisal 

What is Christian Psychology?


 - A journey towards Christian psychology is seeking to discover the why of the issues we are confronted with. Incorporating wisdom from a merger of theology and psychology.[1] It is an aspect of psychology adhering to Christian beliefs and its teachings of Jesus Christ to explain the human mind and behavior. 

Christian psychology holds that the stories, poetry and revelation of the bible, contain wisdom and psychological truths, are guidance and effective in the healing of mental and psychological illness's. 

What differentiates Christian Psychology?

Christian psychology holds that:
  a.  every person is created for a relationship with The Creator
  b.  creation, the Bible and the Holy Spirit are the revelation of God, The Creator,
  c.  by understanding who God is and how he relates to us, and us him,
  d.  He enables each person, who abides in Him, to reach his/her full potential and purpose.

Why is that important?

Important is to understand that the bible contains wisdom that is useful and effective in assisting with the healing for people struggling with mental health issues. The relationship between our feelings and actions is important. 

Thomas Jefferson thought the two forces of head and heart have equal power, and that man is a house divided. Scottish philosopher David Hume argued that it isn’t even a contest—that our intuitions and emotions are far stronger than reason—and that reason accommodates them. 

These two gentlemen have sought to define how our behaviours are driven. Feelings precede thoughts and actions, understand our feelings and we are able then to understand our actions.  

How do I use Christ's teaching in my counselling practice?

The gospels record 

The role of the Holy Spirit?

The bible tells that when a people comes to faith in Jesus he/she receive a gift which is the very spirit of God who can lead the seeker into all truth. For a counsellor chief among the holy spirit gifts received b a counsellor is "discernment" that is the capacity to be guided by God's spirit in understanding issues that a client may be presenting with. 

The influence of evil spirits?

A christian counsellor will hold that human life consists of Body, Soul and Spirit. The body will die, the spirit exists forever. A person who forms a relationship with God in life will forever be in relationship with Him. One who dies not in relationship with God will forever be excluded from relationship with God.  

As we are Body soul and spirt a christian counsellor reconises that the is a spiritual realm, which not all spirits seek our good.  

What is the role of deliverance ministries?

Differences to conventional paradigms

Useful tools

There are many useful tools for counsellors and psychologists ,

Tests for anxiety, stress and depression, (Dass 21) (K10)

Personalities tests. (Myers Briggs) (Big Five from Truity) 

Tests for Dissasociation: (Dissociative Experiences Scale) 

Applicable scripute for Cognitive errors (Google) (YouVersion) 

QIDS-SR 16 – Depression questionnaire Try it yourself:  

