Topology 2 SS 24

Topology 2 - Manifolds and Poincaré duality

This is the course website for the course Topology 2, taught by Wolfgang Lück at the University of Bonn, Summer term 2024. You can find a concept/content description for the lecture and all material regarding the course here. 

The password is the first name of the french mathematician that is mentioned on this side (five letters, all lowercase).

Examination information:
Each examination will, including feedback, take about 30 minutes,
and take place in the lecturer's office:

Office 3.016
Endenicher Allee 60


Information regarding the exercises and sheet submission can be found below.


Place and time: 

There will be oral examinations. The first round will take place July 15 - July 19, the second round August 26 - August 30.

We will use ecampus, at least for the distribution of exercise groups and to be able to reach you by mail.
Use this link to enter the ecampus course, or enter manually (the password is the same as for the sciebo folder).

The exercise sessions will start in the week April 15-19. No sheet will be discussed, but there will be opportunity to ask questions.
All exercise sessions will take place in Room S0.008, at Endenicher Allee 60.

Exercise submission:
You have to submit exercise sheets in digital from.
The first sheet is due April 15.
For the first sheet, please submit using the following links (first sign up to an the respective exercise session).

Tuesday, 8-10: Submit here
Tuesday, 12-14: Submit here
Thursday, 8-10: Submit here