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Jesus Christ as a cornerstone means that He is the foundation, the measuring guide, and the promise of God to His creation. He is the light that guides us to a straight path whenever we are in darkness.

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A cornerstone is a useful part of a building, especially in ancient times, because it serves as a principal stone placed at a corner of an edifice to guide the workers in their course to complete the masonry.

He also emphasized that Jesus would bring justice to the righteous. This means that as long as we follow Jesus, the layout of our lives will be straightened just as how a cornerstone would be significant in straightening the path of a construction masonry.

He also emphasizes that the people who believe in Christ are now part of Christian citizenship that Christ, as a cornerstone, leads. This is a very powerful statement by Paul to the Ephesians and it also resonates with modern-day Christians, as well.

It is also emphasized, in this verse, that Jesus is the living stone, which means that apart from being a cornerstone, He is a living foundation. He understands us, the chosen people because He lives among us.

What the passage means is that even if we do not constantly acknowledge Him as our cornerstone, Jesus will ultimately light our lives and reveal that He is. This is His love for us. He will always show mercy because He loves us.

He is the foundation that makes our faith even stronger and will make the Church stronger. He is the stone that enables the Church to go on and do ministry despite circumstances that we are facing. He is the cornerstone, the most important element of our lives.

The reference to Jesus as the cornerstone comes from Old Testament passages like Psalm 118:22 and Isaiah 8:4, and refers to the sanctuary or Temple of God where the Israelite people worshipped. In other words, Jesus is the new Temple of a New Covenant form of worship (John 2:18-22), who was sadly rejected by many. Without Jesus, there could be no fulfillment of Israel, including a new form of worship centered on Jesus and his Sacrifice of Calvary and its sacramental re-presentation in the celebration of the Mass (Luke 22:19-20), vs. the Old Covenant sacrifices offered at the Temple in Jerusalem that could not provide eternal salvation.

In every stone building, one stone is crucial. It is laid first, and it is to ensure that the building is square and stable. It is the rock upon which the weight of the entire structure rests. It is the cornerstone.

Scripture describes Jesus as the "Chief Cornerstone" of our faith. As the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus ensures the stability of the whole system of our salvation. Jesus was and is the only plan of salvation. Isaiah 28:16, "Therefore this says the Lord God: 'Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.'"

Nowadays we tend to overlook the importance of a cornerstone on a building because many construction techniques can be used to make sure a building will be level and plumb. But long ago, when builders were planning their projects, the importance of the cornerstone made all the difference. The orientation and angle of the cornerstone determined how the rest of the building would be built. If the building was not aligned with the cornerstone, the walls and corners and everything else would be askew.

As part of the dedication ceremony, the placement of the cornerstone of the temple may be celebrated with a ceremony. However, according to a press release, these Temple Cornerstone Ceremonies will be discontinued, effective immediately.

According to the church, several temple cornerstones have been hollowed out to include artifacts and documents relating to the temple. It is unclear whether this tradition will continue.

God wants to gain this stone city, His building, for His corporate expression; for this Christ came as the cornerstone, and there is salvation in no other but in His name, the name of our stone-Savior Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

The Bible has many types of the building of God, but this story begins in eternity past. In eternity past God has already ordained Christ to be the cornerstone of His building. In time, God created man, and He made a garden for man and put man there.

Paul in Eph. 2:19-22 speaks of Christ as the cornerstone in whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom we are also being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.

We need to see and appreciate the fact that Christ is the cornerstone, for it is by His being the cornerstone that He could die for us, that we could be crucified with Him, made alive with Him, resurrected with Him, and seated with Him in the heavenlies.

We may agree with what the Bible says concerning Christ, and we may enjoy Him and appreciate Him, but do we see Him as the cornerstone? Do we realize that our Savior is a Stone-Savior, and the One who builds us together is a cornerstone?

In the mid-1990s, President Richard Felix introduced the Four Cornerstones. President Jon Wallace later identified Scripture verses that aligned each cornerstone with the Lordship of Christ and the authority of Scripture, and clarified our purpose and values for our community of scholars and disciples.

Much like the cornerstone of a building marks the beginning of the foundation and sets reference for the rest of the structure, the Concordia Fund plays a key role in fulfilling our mission as a Lutheran higher education community committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world. We have established the Concordia Cornerstone Society as an effort to raise awareness of the Concordia Fund - unrestricted gifts to help impact the immediate needs of our students. 2351a5e196

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