Christopher Oballe

My name is Christopher Oballe, and I'm a fifth year PhD student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I am expected to graduate in the summer of 2020. My PhD advisor is Dr. Vasileios Maroulas (UTK), and my thesis committee consists of: Dr. Mathew Langford (UTK), Dr. Michael Berry (UTK), and Dr. Piotr Franaszczuk (Army Research Lab and Johns Hopkins University).

My research primarily consists of developing statistical methods for topological data analysis, machine learning, and tailoring topological data analysis tools to solve neuroscience problems. For in-depth discussions of my research, please see the research tab located on the top of this page.

Midway through my third year in the PhD program at UTK, I started working at Army Research Labs in Aberdeen, Maryland as a part of a joint grant with Thor Industries, a defense research company specializing in neuroscience technology. My research with Thor Industries was centered around pattern detection in electroencephalography (EEG) data during go-nogo tasks. Additionally, I used machine learning tools to investigate how learning in virtual environments translated to real-world performance.

Currently, I'm working at Army Research Lab in Aberdeen as an ORAU Journeyman Fellow.

Links to my CV, research, software packages, additional projects, and contact info can be found at the top of this page.