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Gainey, S.R., Lauar, M.T., Adcock, C.T., Batista, J.R., Czerwinski, K., and Hatchett, D.W. (2020) The influence of thermal processing on the sorption of Cs and Sr by sitinakite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 296, 109995

Phillips-Lander, C.M., Harrold, Z., Hausrath, E.M., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M., Adcock, C.T., Raymond, J.A., Huang, S., Tschauner, O., and Sanchez, A. (2020) Snow Algae Preferentially Grow on Fe-containing Minerals and Contribute to the Formation of Fe Phases. Geomicrobiology Journal, 1-10.

Adcock, C.T., Haber, D., Burnley, P.C., Malchow, R.L., and Hausrath, E.M. (2019), " Modeling Gamma Radiation Exposure Rates Using Geologic and Remote Sensing Data to Locate Radiogenic Anomalies" Journal of environmental radioactivity 208

C. T. Adcock, A. Udry, E. M. Hausrath, and O. Tschauner, (2018) "Craters of the Moon National Monument Basalts as Unshocked Compositional and Weathering Analogs for Martian Rocks and Meteorites" American Mineralogist, 103(4), 502-516, DOI: 10.2138/am-2018-6193

Bartlett, C.L., Hausrath, E.M., Adcock, C.T., Huang, S., Harrold, Z.R., and Udry, A. (2018) Effects of Organic Compounds on Dissolution of the Phosphate Minerals Chlorapatite, Whitlockite, Merrillite, and Fluorapatite: Implications for Interpreting Past Signatures of Organic Compounds in Rocks, Soils and Sediments. Astrobiology, 18(12), 1543-1558.

McCubbin, F.M., Phillips, B.L., Adcock, C.T., Tait, K.T., Steele, A., Vaughn, J.S., Fries, M.D., Atudorei, V., Vander Kaaden, K.E., and Hausrath, E.M. (2018) Discreditation of bobdownsite and the establishment of criteria for the identification of minerals with essential monofluorophosphate (PO3F2–). American Mineralogist, 103(8), 1319-1328.

Gainey, S., Hausrath, E., Adcock, C., Tschauner, O., Hurowitz, J., Ehlmann, B., Xiao, Y., and Bartlett, C. (2017) "Clay mineral formation under oxidized conditions and implications for paleoenvironments and organic preservation on Mars." Nature Comm., 8(1), 1230.

C. T. Adcock, O. Tschauner, E. M. Hausrath, A. Udry, S. N. Luo, Y. Cai, M. Ren, A. Lanzirotti, M. Newville, M. Kunz, and C. Lin, (2017) "Shock-transformation of phosphates and the implications for meteoritic phosphate." Nature Comm., 8, 14667. **Media Coverage, 37 news outlets.

Haber, D.A., Burnley, P.C., Malchow, R.L., Adcock, C.T., Marsac, K.E., Hausrath, E.M. (2017) "Modeling Background Radiation in Southern Nevada." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 171, 41-64.

Marsac, K.E., Burnley, P.C., Adcock, C.T., Haber, D.A., Malchow, R.L., and Hausrath, E.M. (2016) "Modeling background radiation using geochemical data: A case study in and around Cameron, Arizona." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 165, 68-85.

Adcock, C.T., and Hausrath, E.M. (2015) "Weathering Profiles in Phosphorus-Rich Rocks at Gusev Crater, Mars, Suggest Dissolution of Phosphate Minerals into Potentially Habitable Near-Neutral Waters." Astrobiology, 15(12), 1060-1075. ***Highlighted article.

Baumeister, J., Hausrath, E. M., Albright Olsen, A., Tschauner, O., Adcock, C. T., Metcalf, R., (2015) "Biogeochemical weathering of serpentinites: An examination of incipient dissolution affecting serpentine soil formation" App. Geochem. 54, 74-84

Adcock, C. T. (2014) "Mars-relevant phosphate minerals and implications for martian habitability." University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Dissertation.

Adcock, C.T., Hausrath, E.M., Forster, P.M., Tschauner, O., and Sefein, K.J. (2014). "Synthesis and characterization of the Mars-relevant phosphate minerals Fe- and Mg-whitlockite and merrillite and a possible mechanism that maintains charge balance during whitlockite to merrillite transformation." Am. Min. 99, 1221-1232.

Adcock, C.T., Hausrath, E., Forster, P., 2013. "Readily available phosphate from minerals in early aqueous environments on Mars." Nature Geoscience 6, 824-827. **Highlighted in issue News and Views and covered in the media including, National Geographic, NBC News, ABC Radio, and New Scientist.

Adcock, C.T., 2004. "Determining Formative Winds Through Geomorphology: Herschel Crater, Mars." Oklahoma State University, Thesis.

Shearer C.K., Leshin, L.A. and Adcock C.T. (1999). “Olivine in Martian meteorite ALH 84001. Evidence for a high-temperature origin and implications for signs of life.” Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 34, 331-340.

J.J. Papike, G.W. Fowler, C.T. Adcock, and C.K. Shearer (1999). “Systematics of Ni and Co in olivine from planetary melt systems: lunar mare basalts.” Am. Min., 84, 392 – 399

Papike, J.J., Spilde, M.N., Adcock, C.T., Fowler, G.W., Shearer, C.K., (1997). "Trace element fractionation by impact-induced volatization: SIMS study of lunar HASP samples" Am. Min., 82, 630-634


Adcock, C. T., (2018) Invited session discussion leader/chair: Meteorites in the Origin of Life, Gordon Research Conference on Origins of Life, The Prebiotic Milieu Building the Evolution of Early Life, January 14, 2018 - January 19, 2018, Galveston TX

Adcock, C. T., Stinchfield, M. O., (2007) “When Nature Collides: Remediation in the Presence of Natural Metals” Presentation and Fieldtrip. Association of Engineering and Environmental Geologists, January, 2007, Southern Nevada Chapter meeting.

Stinchfield, M. O., Adcock, C. T., (2006) “When Nature Collides: Remediation Complications Due to Natural Presence of Lead and Arsenic” Presentation (Adcock). Air and Waste Management Association, June, 2006, Great Basin Chapter Annual Conference.

Recent Workshops Attended

Advanced Photon Source workshop on Nuclear Resonant Scattering (NRS) techniques, November 7-9, 2014, Argonne National Laboratory, Il.

Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Stereo Imagery using ISIS and SOCET SET® December 17-19, 2013, USGS Astrogeology Science Center, Flagstaff. AZ.

SoilTrEC/Critical Zone Workshop on Reactive Transport Modeling July 16-19, 2012, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece