
Instructions: To view the applets you must have JAVA installed in your computer (if not, you can download it from java.sun.com).Since most modern web browsers do not support JAVA you can download the applet and use AppletViewer locally at your computer. Click here to download the applet.

The applet shows the self-assembly of two-dimensional dipolar particles. Dipoles at not too high temperatures self-assemble into chain like structures due to their interactions.

The applet will start by clicking the button Start. It will initialize a canonical Monte Carlo simulation, where in each step we attempt to displace and change the orientation of a randomly chosen dipole. The attempt is accepted or rejected by the traditional Metropolis criterion. Our system is composed of N dipoles with temperature T and dipole moment μ such that the dipoles will form chains. Occasionally, the ends of a chain may come together and form a ring. Additionally, one can introduce an external field, H*, to align the structures to a certain direction.

If the applet does not load then a snapshot of the applet will appear. Follow the instructions for an alternative approach above.