Ram Rally

The Ram Rally is a fundraiser that the students enjoy, and allows for 100% of every dollar to go right to the school. Unlike other fundraisers where only a portion of donations are actual profit, 100% of these donations will be profit to use for field trips, assemblies, classroom supplies, and other fun educational activities for Centre Hall-Potter Elementary School students. 

On Thursday, September 29th during the school day students will go outside or in the gym with their classrooms to get some exercise while having fun through stations that will be set up.  Stations include walking/running laps, a bubble machine, hula hoops, the limbo, dizzy bat, and the parachute! 

Students will have an opportunity to earn a number of prizes and awards based on their participation in the Ram Rally. 

Ram Rally Prizes:

All students that turn in any dollar amount will be entered into a drawing for a gift card. There will be one awarded per classroom.

The classroom that raises the most money will get a treat party of their choice (i.e. Pizza Party, Ice Cream Party). 

The 2022 Ram Rally raised $5639.01!

Ram Rally-2022.docx.pdf