Centre Hall-Potter Elementary PTG

Welcome to the Centre Hall-Potter Elementary Parent Teacher Group website!

We are a dedicated group of volunteers that raise funds to provide educational field trips, assemblies, playground equipment and updates, classroom materials and books, yearbooks, holiday activities and so much more.  We also assist with activities such as school pictures, book fairs and holiday events so our children and teachers can focus on learning, teaching, and having fun.

The PTG meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the CHPE library. 

During our meetings we discuss plans for upcoming school wide activities, fundraising options, and receive reports from our committees. We welcome and invite anyone with a CHE student (including grandparents) to attend!


Next Meeting: September 10, 2024 at 6:30pm.

2024-2025 PTG Officers

President: Alaina MacFarlane

Vice President: Karla Goy

Secretary: Carrie Porter

Treasurer: Paul Mittan

Communications: Amber Hubert

CHPE Principal: Katie Bish

Teacher Liaison: Amy Smith